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Sort with Spikes, Save with Heart: Hedgehogs Leading the Eco March!
Intel Curie based WSN System for Scalable Distributed Control System in Satellites and Launch Vehicles
Asynchronous Flow of Notifications
Introducing a more efficient way to gather personalised marketing data for businesses through targeted sentiment analysis.
The easiest way for anyone to rent, lend, and finance NFTs on Solana.
The First Permission-less Yield Farming on Solana
DocSynk. Your Healthcare. Synchronized.
One-click platform for multichain liquidity provision
Mama Nafuu is a mobile application that consolidates everything an expectant or nursing mother needs to have all the time. From her and her child's medical history to all the task lists she needs.
Indra, your personal assistant is here to help you get around safer and smoother in Indore
A powerful concentrated liquidity protocol
Contribute using educare and fulfill the needs and essentials of the education institutions across the globe.
By using Blockchain InterPlanetary File Systems (IPFS), DrameBase is transforming how media content—such as music, video, and other types of entertainment—is delivered, consumed, and paid for
Leveling up like a Twitch Hero
A Rules Cube Pega accelerator framework powered by This application is developed to be a secured AI platform with the purpose to assist radiologists with accurate COVID19 dectection.
OG Swap is an authentic multichain swap solution of native tokens to $OKT via $GTON as a relay.
Connecting Social, Mobile and Cloud
Generate documents with merge data from any application using a REST API with JSON, built on PEGA platform v8.4
Lets stop living a lie
Tokenizing all the real world assets
E-commerce enfocado en el crecimiento de las PYMES y MiPYMES
JoyFuel helps people to improve their skills to manage Stress & Anxiety Desease via Body & Mind self-training.
An Android based contact tracing app which enables people to self-isolate if they have been in close proximity to someone tested positive for COVID-19.
Paysenger is create-to-earn social network with new ethics of communication that empowers the creator economy by rewarding collaboration between idea makers, creators and fans