
I wanted to explore Mobile and Cloud technology in such a way that social fabric can have an advantage out of the outcome of my exploration.

What it does

It offers to publish images with a caption. This images you post can be viewed by all the members who are following you. You can view images of all the members to whom you follow. The user needs to register using google account. The home page displays member list. The app also provides facility to follow/unfollow friends through check box option.

How I built it

The development environment was set up with Xcode IDE for SWIFT coding and using an AWS account for usage of its web services.

Challenges I ran into

Certain services and its integration in SWIFT force me for technical deep dive.

Accomplishments that I'm proud of

I have integrated various amazon cloud services namely Lambda, Cognito, DynamoDB, S3 in SWIFT on iOS10.

What I learned

Apart from a technical aspect, UI/UX management on different screen size of devices.

What's next for SoMoClo

Would like to use AI amazon web services particularly LEX which offers API for NLP to facilitate operation by voice rather than keyboard/mouse usage. Option for registering using an account of other popular social media sites.

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