Content Overview

  • Inspiration
  • What it does
  • How we built it
  • Challenges we ran into
  • Accomplishments that we're proud of
  • What we learnt
  • What's next for VserveU
  • Research


"It is strange but true , that the most important turning point of life , often come at the most unexpected times and in the most unexpected ways." The same way Covid is also an unexpected happening that resulted in huge unemployment even for skilled one . This is the main reason which inspired us to initiate this idea .

A lot of young and inspiring entrepreneurs are seeking for a right platform to showcase their skill and to grab an opportunity to increase their productivity. we decided to come with an idea by providing the platform to encourage their career.

A survey of 848 smaller organizations conducted survey revealed that 33 percent of their had jobs left unfilled because they couldn't find people with relevant skills. This leads to apply our idea in this case.


Survey Statistics

A damaging impact on an economy as large as India , caused due a total lockdown was imminent. Unemployment went up to nearly 24 percent in April 2020. This was possibly a result of a decrease in demand as well as the disruption of workforce faced by companies.
Analyzing the research and statistics , We realized that our idea will help us to solve this problem . That's Why we came up with VserveU - An Application Make Business Easier.

What it does

VserveU is a platform that acts as a bridge between the service provide and service requestor to showcase their individual skill and also to increase the productivity. A service provider is an individual or an entity that provides services to third party. The provision of services from a service provider is governed by a service agreement of VserveU application. A service requester is an individual or an entity that request services from third party.

Publish the provider detail:

Good data allows organizations to establish baselines, benchmarks, and goals to keep moving forward. So Good Data will increase the interaction of customer . In VserveU, provider deliver the necessary data . Provider can either be freelancer or representor of an organization . They provide personal detail followed by organization detail which includes why should the customer choose their organization and the uniqueness of their organization . Add on to that ,They submit their previous work along with ID proof followed by the address of organization .

Data reliability:

Reliable Data is the key to customer success. VserveU ensures the data reliability by implementing the managerial approval. This approval process ensures that the provider submits accurate data else will prevent him from commencing the case.

Explore the provider :

Customer satisfaction is the key to the growth of any business. VserveU keeps the promise of customer satisfaction by providing the requestor with nine variety of business types in which each business type incorporates with N number of services. The greater the number of options the app provide, the greater the likelihood of finding what's perfect for the customer , which eventually pave a way to customer satisfaction.

Package preference :

As the pricing strategy plans the business profitability, VserveU ensures convenient price for an end-user by providing each service with three category of packages Basic, Premium, and Standard. Each package has their unique features such as delivery deadline, summary about package and overall cost.

Privacy over piracy :

Securing the customer data is the key for customer enhancement . VserveU ensures privacy via integrating to a secured third party payment gateway for safe & secured payment with convenient option of of CREDIT, DEBIT, NETBANKING and UPI .

Fullfillment :

Having a well outlined and smooth order fulfillment process will help business continue to draw customers and satisfy them with our service. In the same way, VserveU guarantees that on time delivery of the service via receiving fulfilment from requestor.

Handling Exception with Excellence:

An exceptional case of delay in delivery is also handled well by VServeU by opting couple of choices for the customer either to seek for refund or to opt for rescheduling the delivery date. In either way , VserveU satisfies even the unsatisfied customer via it's excellence..

Customer Retention:

Retaining the customer is possible only by serving them better every time. VserveU focuses on customer Retention by collecting feedback from the customer for each service thus can improve it's service . Overall Rating is also calculated based on feedback provided, thus making it easy for the other customer to choose the best one.


Self analyzation is the key to self improvement ,VserveU offers the customer, a chance to analyze their delivery detail which includes date of delivery , type and cost of the service delivered.

How we built it

We built the application based on Pega Express Methodology which includes discover phase, prepare phase, build phase and adopt phase.

Discover Phase:

we are the team of eight members. Each one of us decided to play a role as scrum master, IT people, Customer and Business Architect. In this discover phase , the IT people and Business Architect work with the Customer to identify the customer journey and further we identified our end user outcome and then we understood how this related to our business outcome. The customer outcome we found is, they need an application where an organization or a freelancer can create their account and provide their service details to make their business easier. And where an organization or an individual can find a needful service.

Here we captured the three building blocks.


  • We split the project(Journey) into smaller pieces that make up the logic and behavior of an application, to make it center-out.
  • We prioritized the Microjourney after design sprint.
  • We decided to build a Microjourney which allows a customer to register and to provide or to request a service.
  • Then we broke down our Microjourney into the following processes,
    • Process to capture data from user
    • Process to save data provided by user
    • Process to create an account for an user in application
    • Process to verify and approve the details provided by the user
    • Process to handle the exceptional scenarios.
    • Process to guide the user to find the best service provider based on their requirement.
    • Process to make a payment.
    • Process to capture the fulfillment.
    • Process to provide feedback.
    • Process to create a chatbot.
    • Process to customize the default portal.

Personas & channels:
User & Admin are the people who are going to interact with our application VserveU Portal and VserveU Assistant chatbot are the channel used by our personas to interact with our application .


Data: Here we collect what all the information needs to be captured as part of the application and where it needs to be stored. Information Captured as part of application: Business type ,Provider type , Services and it’s detail, Organization detail, SPOC detail, Contact detail ,Package detail ,Account detail, Feedback detail and Fulfillment detail.

Data Storage: Local data storage and Pega Data.

As an outcome of discover phase , we decided go-live on April 5 2021 to achieve the outcome of our project.

Prepare Phase:

In prepare phase we started with the project kick off meeting, Where we understood the vision, desired outcomes and plan , run shorter ideation sessions to innovate new experiences for end user. We began to understand the Microjourney from the initial MLP. During this prepare phase we used App Studio to capture or to refine our Micro Journey. And we used Directly Capture Objectives (DCO) discipline to capture outcomes and user stories directly into Pega. Scrum:

  • We decided to use scrum method to develop our project which defines specific roles, responsibilities, events, artifacts, and processes.
  • We decided to include the following scrum events,
    • Story refinement and estimation
    • Sprint Planning
    • Daily scrum
    • Sprint Review
    • Sprint Reterospective
  • We divided our project into time-boxed development cycles called sprints .We had 2 Sprints in our project.(1 Sprint = 2 weeks)
  • We maintained our backlog in the form of user stories.
  • The user stories are validated in this phase.
  • We used Agile Workbench to capture these user stories. Everyone in team can access and review as it is available on Pega cloud. In case of ay modification requested from client , It can be directly captured in pega without the use of external tool . Usage of any external tools may result in out of sync and and there may be a possibility of building it from scratch .It will reduce time consumption.

Build Phase:

App studio: The case life cycle representing the end to end business process was designed using app studio. The reason behind using app studio is to utilize and leverage out of box capabilities. Based on user interaction with the application along with flow of business process we have configured flow rule(process) which consists of steps that users need to perform to complete the business transaction and added pega automation shapes to auto perform the task.

View of Workflow, persona and channel


View of Registration Case life cycle


View of Better Business case life cycle

Followed by creating data models to capture the information provided by the user and created interfaces to store the data. To resolve the customer queries, Chatbot was configured using channels and Interface available in App studio, thus paved away for end user to interact with VserveU application.

Dev Studio: Dev studio was used to configure each and every steps and automations which are part of processes in the case lifecycle. We segregated our task and created branch to perform it, to not to face any conflicts and for mutual and faster development. Agile workbench was used to collaborate and to receive feedback directly in the platform using screenshots, annotations, and video capture.


User Story of VserveU application


Branch Of VserveU application

Compliance Score

Branch Quality

COSMOS design system was used to provide a seamless user experience with reusable UI components that enrich the look and feel of the application Every rule was tested with pega unit testing and test cases was created to ensure that each rule works appropriately in all environment. At the end of each Sprint, a demo of the user stories was presented the business people and to the customer. At end of THE second sprint, OUR DREAM APPLICATION VSERVEU WAS DEVELOPED.

Adoption Phase:

It's time to go live with our MLP Microjourneys, VserveU application is developed and ready to serve its purpose. Our journey then proceeded with preparing the user adoption plan, clear communication and support framework with the business people. Followed by, continuously reviewing the progress of day 1 go live plan which we created during prepare phase and finalized the go-live support arrangements. Finally, Performed a release retrospective and measured our outcomes. Then we planned our next MLP release.

Challenges we ran into

One of the main challenge is managing the database. Luckily We have explored Pega OOTB components and an activity to store the customer and service data captured from the user and retrieve the same.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

1. Chatbot - "conversational Agent":

We provides a Web Chatbot channel based on Pega Customer Service that can help you get started quickly with the configuration. The Web Chatbot channel consists of the most frequently used case types, such as Chat with agent, Request a statement copy, and Make Payment. Using the combination of pre-defined and configurable system responses, response commands, and text analysis, the AI-powered Web Chatbot interprets the customer conversation and sends appropriate automated responses. The Web Chatbot channel's training data quickly answer customer inquiries without any intervention. After configuring the Web Chatbot channel, we deployed the chat widget on a customer-facing website using which the customers can start interacting with Pega Customer Service.

2. Payment:

As third party integration is new to us , we tried to implement the Pega integration with external third party payment API for more safe and secure transaction . Service requestor can make real time payment with an option of CREDIT, DEBIT, NETBANKING and UPI with Faster and safer Transaction of amount. Once the payment done , payment receipt is sent to the customer via email notifications

3. Direct Web Access:

Directed Web Access (DWA) allows anyone accessing the World Wide Web and email to process an assignment, on a one-time or infrequent as-needed basis. This feature extends the scope and reach of our application to us throughout the enterprise, trusted customers and suppliers, and anyone else want to obtain information from others. Here we implemented the DWA to view the complaint raised by the customers and provide necessary comments through an email.

4. Cosmos:

Cosmos is a UX toolkit, complete App Studio-configurable (low-code) front-end system for app builders. As this feature was new to us. We developed VserveU on the framework of cosmos. The design system of cosmos helped our development by,

  • Provide a highly consistent user experience through a systemized collection of design rules and patterns
  • Speed up design and development. time.
  • It offers a complete presentation layer so that applications will be more appealing to users , produce better business outcome and allow team to focus on business logic and data of an application.

The Pega Cosmos design system helped our team in building highly effective applications quickly and keeps the application easily upgradeable for future releases.

What we learnt

Learning is an endless journey . We as a team have worked in Pega 8.5 for the first time provides us great opportunity to learn many new features.

  • To understand the importance of pega express delivery methodology that uses Pega's low code experience, best practices and scrum to deliver meaningful outcomes by breaking the multiple customer journey as microjourney .
  • To learn how to accelerate our workflow with Cosmos UI
  • To learn how to create chatbot in pega
  • To explore how to make secure payment in pega integrated with third party payment gateway provider.
  • To know more about DWA(Directed Web Access) that allows an external operator to perform an assignment

What's next for VserveU

1. Deploy as Mobile app :

A well-designed application can perform tasks much faster than a website. Mobile app will be more convenient and user friendly for user to engage more on our service . So our next goal is to publish our idea as an application in play store.

2. Delivery Tracking :

Tracking is an important one to eliminate the risk of achieving right goal at right time .In our upcoming MLP , we planned to implement this feature in more efficient way where customer can track the detail of service delivery status like order initiated, order pending and so on .

3. Enhancing the Customer by Credit point(Kudos Point) :

Marketing plays an main role in every business. The requestor can earn kudos points by engaging more in application. The credit points is monitored the admin of vserve u application. Higher the engagement of requestor, higher his kudos point ,which leads to additional benefit on next order such as free shipping ,discount in the package, and so on


As per Hindu Data Team about unemployment rate during covid

CIME - Unemployment in India - A statistical Profile

Built With

  • cosmos-ui
  • pega
  • pega8.5
  • pegachatbot
  • pegapayment
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