
Tired of explanations that are either too complex or provide insufficient depth, and when you need a buddy to study with but everyone is busy.

What it does

Provides you with bot that can explain content at any specified level of education, and provides you a quiz to test your understanding on textbook materials.

How we built it

We utilized AWS bedrock's generative AI, Claude 3 Sonnet model, to power our bot and we used node express for our backend with a SASS developed frontend. Additionally using Launched Darkly we were able to create difficulty modes difficulty modes for the quiz to allow user to adjust how difficult the quiz prompts should be in order to allow them to progressively work towards understanding various types of difficult material in a more digestable fashion

Challenges we ran into

Time constraint; if we had more time we could've developed a more sophisticated frontend with more user interactive capabilities

Accomplishments that we're proud of'

Able to create a working bot that can explain and simplify text so it is easy to digest, as well as a quizzing function that can help users study textbook material

What we learned

How to use AWS bedrock in tandem with react and express to produce a interactive web application

What's next for Study Buddy

Refining the UI to make it better for users and introducing mobile versions

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