What it does
Travis (Traffic Realtime Assistance Via Internet Services): as the name suggests is a mobile app that provides real-time assistance to its users (target userbase: drivers, pedestrians & passengers).
It is having 4 major modules:
Traffic Feed (Userbase: Drivers, Pedestrians, Passengers): Users can post anything related to city traffic on the feed in order to inform other about it, this will be visible to everyone. Users can add image and tags in their posts to make their posts more comprehensible. Sample content of feed can be accident alert, traffic jam, congestion alert, or general post.
Pedestrian Mode (Userbase: Pedestrians) Activate pedestrian mode while walking on the streets. This will alert you to nearby road intersections, dangers and other hazards related to pedestrian safety. These alerts are given when the user reaches 20m in the range of any potential hazardous geo-location.
Parking Finder (Drivers) Parking finder will show you nearby parking spots and the numbers of current free parking spots in the parking in real time. Real-time data is maintained by another supportive application - Travis Parking Assist which I've built. This app will be used by the watchman of the parking spot to update the number of entries of vehicles in the parking.
Geo Taxi Meter (Passengers) Geo Taxi Meter helps users to track their route on MAP in real-time while they are traveling. This way they will not get fooled by taxi drivers on taking the wrong route. It also has a fare calculator that calculates fare in real time.
How I built it
I started building the app by first drawing the mockups or rough sketches on paper. After designing came the part of development. For backend I used firebase. For version control system, I used github and whole source code of this app is present on my github repository.
Challenges I ran into
Being the only developer for such a large project, I had to manage my time efficiently. From designing to developing to testing. I did it all. Time management was the biggest challenge that I faced.
Accomplishments that I'm proud of
The modules that I made when started working properly gave me the biggest sense of accomplishment. I used various students of my college for testing purpose, and they were
What I learned
While making this project I learned the concepts of firebase as a backend, and how to do testing with the help of firebase.
What's next for TRAVIS-Traffic Realtime Assistant Via Internet Service
In future prospects, I want to integrate Internet of thing technology (IoT) with my app to provide real-time instant notification in case of a traffic accident. This notification will reach to the nearby police station, hospital and relatives of the person. I would also like to integrate machine learning algorithms to improve the quality of traffic feed and make it more relevant to the users based on their locations.
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