
Originally wanting to make a tracker for SFU students to snap pictures of the raccoons being seen on campus, and it turned into a wildlife tracker for nature enthusiasts.

What it does

A user can take a photo of wildlife they spot and place a marker on the map where it was seen, and other users can view the location of the photos taken.

How we built it

We built it using HTML, Google Maps API and Firebase.

Challenges we ran into

It being our first hackathon we struggled with knowing where to start. We also ran into problems making the website mobile friendly. We also really struggled to save the user input data into a database as we did not know how to connect front-end and back-end.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

We are proud of bringing the idea we had in mind to work how we envisioned it.

What we learned

We learned how to start a web dev project and how to work in a team environment.

What's next for Traccoon

Improving the UI to look more attractive to users and better mobile interface, implementing other features such as a filter system for different animals and danger levels, and better data collection.

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