
My inspiration and motivation for this project is my friends and the hackathon itself. You guys pushed me to finish it before the deadline. I am thankful for that.

What it does

It is a story about a detective and his assistant trying find a murderer. There will be plot twists, riddles, mysteries and more.

How we built it

I used scratch and dragged blocks into the corresponding places.

Challenges we ran into

I ran into some challenges like how we spend 30 minutes trying to find a website that would work. Then we went into a workshop and that when I learned that they only wanted to do the project for fun not for anything else. I was a little disappointed and I started to work by myself. Also scratch didn't work on the wifi properly, so I had to work on it at home and in the middle of the night. I also worked on it on the next day. I had some more challenges, but that's it for now.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

I am proud that my project and everyone else's is finished before the deadline and I am proud that there is an event in the first place to learn and discover.

What we learned

I learned how to code java, python, and 3d modeling from the workshops. I also learn some more about scratch.

What's next for The Mystery of the Murder

I will focus and part 2 and also add a fight seen with the assistant (you) and the antagonist.

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