
One of our team members was searching for a doctor's appointment a couple months ago only to find long wait times and lengthy online registrations. We wanted to simplify that process and help people find a doctor as soon as possible and help clinics maximize their throughput in a day.

Also, around 60% of British Columbians have found it difficult to book appointments for family doctor with long wait time, a week or more link. Therefore, our application aims to help resolve this problem.

What it does

Our web application stores user information with those that register an account with us and enables our users to get in line for multiple walk-in clinics with a click of a button.

How we built it

Our application uses Next.js and Tailwind CSS for the frontend, Node.js and Express for the server side, and used JSON files as a database.

Challenges we ran into

We initially chose Angular as our frontend but ran into many difficulties relating to the latest version, so we ended up switching to Next.js early on. We also wanted to use MongoDB Atlas for our database but thought it would be simpler as a proof of concept just to design it with JSON files due to time constraint. We also ran into many bugs and issues which led us needing to statically implement many of our features to save time and be able to get out something which demonstrated our objective.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

We're proud to have produced a minimum viable product showcasing the core features that we wanted our web app to have, including logging in, and queuing logic for the backend.

What we learned

From a technical standpoint, we all learned how to code in Next.js. Beyond that, we learned to push through challenges and adapt to our changing conditions while considering our time constraints. During brainstorming, we realized that we needed to research the viability of our idea (healthcare-related) and whether there was already a solution out there that solves our problem.

What's next for Skip to Clinic

We would like to complete the dynamic implementation of all the core features to operate with our backend data structures as well as app deployment so it could move beyond just the prototype/demo stage. The success of our web application is definitely more marketing heavy, as the biggest roadblock to our idea's success is the number of clinics which choose to participate with us.

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