
We cannot afford to let anymore women succumb to breast cancer and definitely not because they do not have the means or courage to fight the disease. Because, the current level of technology sophistication provides us ample scope to overcome any problem that we have been grappling for many decades.

We, technocrats, who believe in the power of technology and have immense faith in a better tomorrow thought to address the second most popular cancer that has been quietly consuming lives across the world.

Pinc (Personal, Inclusive and Collaborative ), is a mobile app that empowers women and men in building awareness to prevent, diagnose and cure breast cancer, all the while maintaining individual privacy.

What it does

Pinc will weave-in a rich tapestry of human and systemic interventions that will change the way breast cancer is detected, diagnosed and cured. Be it breaking socio-economic and geo barriers or bringing in the right type of help at the right time, we have got them covered.

Our Main objectives are:

1)Have higher reach covering not just people with vision but those who are suffering with lack of vision and differently-abled people as well

2)Enhance the diversity in coverage overcoming the barriers like geography, language, gender and technology to spread awareness

3)Emphasis on prevention

4)Enable easier communication through multiple channel to get answers to all questions utilizing Artificial Intelligence

5)Help self diagnosis using artificial Intelligence with higher accuracy to stop and reduce the risk at early stages. It is cost effective and covers most people, even those who cannot afford

6)Encouraging family and friends for quick and accurate Intelligent self diagnosis and spread awareness

7)Motivate patients to volunteer and come forward by sharing their experience, social and health consequences

8)Enable people to interact with doctors leveraging technology and help diagnose and treat with ease and accuracy

How we built it

1)Agile methodology and JIRA is considered as a project management tool 2)Azure-DevOps for CI/CD, AWS Polly for Text to Speech Conversion 3)Python and Jupyter is used for building Deep Learning neural networks and Machine Learning based models 4)JUSTINMIND is enabled for building the prototype of the Mobile Application

Challenges we ran into

With the limited understanding on Medical Field we have to discuss our thought process with various health professionals and specialists to come up with entire process flow and data for building Artificial intelligence. Considering the COVID Situation discussing with individuals and understand their challenges was difficult. Our study was limited to consulting with medical professionals.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

In a short duration, we were able to build an application which can cover all the aspects like awareness, prevention and fight against breast cancer. We were able to work collaboratively with our team as well as discuss with various medical professionals to get a complete insight and hence were able to build a robust solution prototype.

What we learned

We have identified all current challenges and gaps which are there in existing systems for breast cancer. We became ourselves aware of social and physical impact of breast cancer and campaigns or initiatives around the globe. Hence ,We were motivated to bridge all these gaps and think holistically to come up with a robust solution Pinc.

What's next for Pinc (Stands for Personal, Inclusive and Collaborative)

We would like to have a successful implementation across the globe with collaboration among various groups and individuals. We would like to be a part of the cause in reduction of mortality rate by increasing the early detection of breast cancer.

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