
In one year, Taylor Swift produced 77.4 metric tons of carbon emissions, just by flying alone. We want to prevent wasteful travels like these, so that we can conserve and protect our environment.

What it does

This website is designed to inform users about the amount of carbon emissions we, humans, produce , as well as displaying how much carbon emission a user produces from travelling one place to another.

How we built it

We used HTML and CSS.

Challenges we ran into

Limited knowledge in HTML and CSS.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

Being able to design and deploy a website and making use of the capabilities of HTML and CSS.

What we learned

How to code in HTML/CSS, using GitHub collaboratively, time management and collaboration, project pitch skills

What's next for Offsetting Airplane Emissions

Focusing on being able to take in user input and displaying information based off of it

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