
We were inspired by my parents struggle to find a suitable bed time story for my little brother. We chose to design a product which solved this issue.

What it does

It uses a large language model to create a bed time mystery story and allows the user to select characters, setting, and crime based on the settings that they want.

How we built it

We built it using Python, CSS, and HTML, along with using online resources like stack overflow and youtube to help us learn and understand on the go

Challenges we ran into

We were struggling with Python extensions, including pip, flash, etc... We also were stressed because of the time deadline and the fact that our CSS wasn't working correctly. This prompted us to innovate and watch many tutorials online to ultimately diagnose our solution.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

We are extremely proud of our understanding of how to develop in Python, as this was both of our first times. We also are proud of finishing the project in time.

What we learned

We learned how to develop in python, customize using CSS and some HTML modules along with how to brainstorm and iterate on our ideas to make it unique and innovative.

What's next for Mystery Story Generator

We are going to create more options for the characters, crime, and setting and refine the UI.

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