As high school students, we all experienced the stresses involved with community service, as it grows ever-more important in a world where college admissions, job applications, and other important things. Due to being overwhelmed, we struggled to find where to start, if only there was one centralized place to find opportunities to help in a community...
What it does
Our website provides a "gamified" version of volunteer service, centralizing all possible opportunities to one place, and offering a points system to foster friendly competition and possible awards that can arise for youth. The map included is able to find the nearest opportunities, while the bounty system allows for those looking for volunteers to promote any emergencies or events for youth to come.
How we built it
Replit, Python, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Flask
Challenges we ran into
A lot, to say the least. Our most prevalent was probably losing all of our CSS files 30 minutes before submission. Thank God we recovered them!
Accomplishments that we're proud of
We all were able to learn skills in web design, especially with HTML and CSS
What we learned
From this project, we learned how to use the Flask framework in Python, as well as how Google Cloud APIs could be incorporated into a variety of projects. Additionally, we gained more experience programming in JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.
What's next for MontyHacks OnePlaceAtlas
Account system, expanding not just to volunteering but with internships, employment, etc
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