The Inspiration was curiosity about how long you would live if you lived with certain problems and from the Death Clock.
What it does
Under certain conditions such as drinking, smoking, bad diet, etc., it calculates your life expectancy from age 0. It also gives you some tips on how to deal with those problems to live longer.
How I built it
This project was all built inside Java using the Java Swing Class.
Challenges I ran into
Challenges that I ran into were the arrangement of buttons and pictures and just organizing everything.
Accomplishments that I'm proud of
Some accomplishments that I'm proud of are the drawings and the fact that everything works as intended.
What I learned
I learned that I needed much more practice as some things could be improved and that the code could have been shorter.
What's next for Life Clock
I'm planning to have Life Clock to have a better UI and include other factors such as medical conditions and environmental factors.
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