
Storyline games such as Oregon Trial, Terraria, and technology such as VR.

What it does

Walk the user through an experience where they manage their garden property and understand the interactions between different environmental factors.

How we built it

Replit, Java for text (Unity for 2D and VR model for future versions).

Challenges we ran into

Collaboration on platforms such as Github and Unity, VR processing from Unity to headset, learning C# to build interactions.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

Creating a full and foundational game model for the future and learning functionalities of the Unity program. Additionally, meeting many like-minded individuals and learning techniques from other individuals who share interests.

What we learned

Unity assets, components, scripts, modeling as well as Java classes and functions such as Thread, ArrayLists, and Scanner input methods.

What's next for Highland Harvest

Uploading on gaming platforms and spread towards educational facilities to spread influence towards younger generations to spread awareness and aptness in ecological and environmental terms and conservation. Also gaining sponsors for funding and a larger working base.

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