
Locally-owned restaurants are struggling to stay competitive and profitable in today’s market. Overwhelmed with tasks and short-staffed, they lack the time to call vendors and compare prices.

Vendors often raise prices unnoticed for weeks. Restaurant owners often lack the time and expertise to manage and build multiple supplier relationships and find the best prices across several ingredients every single week.

What it does

George simplifies and automates the purchasing process for restaurants. Here’s how it works:

Initiate Purchase: Restaurant owners/managers tell George via WhatsApp what they need to purchase.

Vendor Communication: George contacts vendors and sales reps to get current pricing.

Price Comparison: George compares all vendor prices and provides a live table link to the owner/manager for review.

Order Placement: Owners/managers confirm changes and place orders directly through George.

How we built it

We used Meta's API / webhook and GPT-4o.

Challenges we ran into

Integrating WhatsApp with GPT-4o and creating agents that wait on each other and stay in sync.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

The team growing from just 2 people and utilizing everyone’s strengths and sets of knowledge.

What we learned

By talking with sales reps we found that they are happy to have the chance to compete with competitors’ prices so they can earn more business.

What's next for George - Your AI Companion for Restaurant Savings

We'll upgrade George's AI capabilities and onboard more restaurants to streamline purchasing. Continuous feedback will help us improve further.

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