- Write a description of class Hackathon here. *
- @author Leo,Aoi,
@version (a version number or a date) */ import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.Random; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport; public class Hackathon { public static void main(String[]args) { Scanner kb=new Scanner(System.in); Random generator=new Random(); //Random number ints int Tree; int Hunt; int Mine; int Day; int Attack;
int Days=0; int Win=0; int HumansA=5; int HumansD=0; int HumansI=0; int Food=15; int Wood=5; int Stone=5; int DF=0; int G=3; int GIncr=0; int HY=15; int Challenge=0; int Actions=0; int FDIncr=0; int M=4; int Two=2; int Three=3; int Ten=10; int Something=0; int InfectionNum=1; int HIncr=0; int Part=0; int Five=5; //enemy attack int Bear=5; int Brood=5; int Eldrazi=30; int Gisa=40; int Millitia=20; int Mycontyrant=M+=HumansD; int Lumra=30; int Skaab=HumansD*G; int Chandra=25; int Revelers=HumansA*Three; int Phyrexia=InfectionNum*Ten; //combat int int BearF=DF-Bear; int BroodF=DF-Brood; int EldraziF=DF-Eldrazi; int GisaF=DF-Gisa; int MillitiaF=DF-Millitia; int MycontyrantF=DF-Mycontyrant; int LumraF=DF-Lumra; int SkaabF=DF-Skaab; int ChandraF=DF-Chandra; int RevelersF=DF-Revelers; int PhyrexiaF=DF-Phyrexia; //Attacking Variables int AD=0; int Town1DF=20; int Town2DF=23; int Town3DF=27; int Town4DF=25; int PhyrexianDF=InfectionNum*Five; int MillitaryTown=30; int GisaHome=HumansD*Five; //attacking combat int Town1F=Town1DF-AD; int Town2F=Town2DF-AD; int Town3F=Town3DF-AD; int Town4F=Town4DF-AD; int PhyrexianAF=PhyrexianDF-AD; int MillitaryF=MillitaryTown-AD; int GisaH=GisaHome-AD; //Input strings String Start; String Begin; String Action; String Bushwag; String Build; String Geralf; String Xenagos; String Winner; String Cow; String Trader; String Guild; //add random generator Tree=generator.nextInt(5)+1; Hunt=generator.nextInt(5)+1; Mine=generator.nextInt(5)+1; Day=generator.nextInt(20)+1; Attack=generator.nextInt(7)+1; System.out.println("Hello Player."); System.out.println("If you want to learn the rules of this game write rules."); System.out.println("You were on a ship, in space... not a big ship."); System.out.println("Then...BOOOOOOOOMMM!!! you crashed on a world."); System.out.println("There are mosters on this world."); System.out.println("If you are ready to start this sick awesome game write start."); Start=kb.nextLine(); while (!(Start.equalsIgnoreCase("start"))) { if (Start.equalsIgnoreCase("rules")) { System.out.println("ok so every day you get three actions."); System.out.println("if at the end of the day you dont have enought food for a human they die."); System.out.println("at the start of the 3rd day a random thing will happen, humans will come to your settlement or something more devious."); System.out.println("every building needs materials."); System.out.println("when every you are attacked it is a battle between Defense and attack by the attakers if they win humans die if you win they die."); System.out.println("if it is a tie you lose some humans and they die."); System.out.println("To stop the game write Stop"); System.out.println("Any number inside a braket is to be writen as an action"); } else { System.out.println("Not an option"); } Start=kb.nextLine(); } System.out.println("Before we BEGIN could you please choose a guild to buff your playthrough for the rest of the game"); System.out.println("The choices are..."); System.out.println("Boros:Increases your attack by 5 (1)"); System.out.println("Golgari:The number of dead humans you have increase's your Defense by 1/2 (2)"); System.out.println("Orzhov:Every Death gives you 1 gold (3)"); System.out.println("Selensya:The Chapel makes 1 more Human every day (4)"); System.out.println("Gruul:Chopping wood gives yoou +1 wood (5)"); System.out.println("Azourius:+5 Defense (6)"); System.out.println("Simic:Every day get 1 human (7)"); Guild=kb.nextLine(); if (Guild.equals("1")) { System.out.println("Thank you for choosing Boros"); AD+=5; } else if (Guild.equals("2")) { System.out.println("Thank you for choosing Golgari"); } else if (Guild.equals("3")) { System.out.println("Thank you for choosing Orzhov"); } else if (Guild.equals("4")) { System.out.println("Thank you for choosing Selensya"); } else if (Guild.equals("5")) { System.out.println("Thank you for choosing Gruul"); } else if (Guild.equals("6")) { System.out.println("Thank you for choosing Azourius"); DF+=5; } else if (Guild.equals("7")) { System.out.println("Thank you for choosing Simic"); HIncr+=1; } Begin=kb.nextLine(); while (!(Begin.equalsIgnoreCase("Stop"))) { Day=generator.nextInt(20)+1; if (Days>=5 && Actions==0) //or everytime the day increases { if (Day==1) { System.out.println(" A small group of human walks to your settlement and joins your group."); HumansA+=3; waitsecs(2); } else if (Day==2) { System.out.println(" A large group of humans walk to your settlement and joins your group."); HumansA+=6; waitsecs(2); } else if (Day==3) { System.out.println(" on the horizon you see a towering colossuss walking towards your settlement."); System.out.println(" when reaching your settlement you identify them to be Eldrazi."); System.out.println(" Your settlement stands no chance against them just their arrival kills 2 humans."); System.out.println(DF-Eldrazi); HumansA-=2; HumansD+=2; EldraziF=DF-Eldrazi; if (EldraziF>0) { System.out.println(" You barely manage to fend of the invading Eldrazi."); waitsecs(2); } else if (EldraziF<0) { System.out.println(" The Eldrazi Hoard runs over you killing many in its wake."); HumansA-=7; HumansD+=7; waitsecs(2); if (Guild.equals("3")) { G+=7; } } else if (EldraziF==0) { System.out.println(" The eldrazi rush over you but due to evacuation the loses are minimal."); HumansA-=3; HumansD+=3; waitsecs(2); if (Guild.equals("3")) { G+=3; } } } else if (Day==4) { System.out.println(" A small group of people arrive at your settlement with food"); HumansA+=3; Food+=5; waitsecs(2); } else if (Day==5) { System.out.println(" A small Millitia approaches your small camp and lays seige."); Food-=5; System.out.println(DF-Millitia); MillitiaF=DF-Millitia; if (MillitiaF>0) { System.out.println(" Using superior strategy you fend of the seige."); waitsecs(2); } else if (MillitiaF<0) { System.out.println(" The Seige starves you out killing many."); HumansA-=4; HumansD+=4; Food-=5; waitsecs(2); if (Guild.equals("3")) { G+=4; } } else if (MillitiaF==0) { System.out.println(" you break the seige but not before some loses."); HumansA-=2; HumansD+=2; waitsecs(2); if (Guild.equals("3")) { G+=2; } } } else if (Day==6) { System.out.println(" the mycontyrant and his hoard attacks your settlement sending the spores of the fungi to your dead boosting his numbers."); System.out.println(DF-Mycontyrant); MycontyrantF=DF-Mycontyrant; if (MycontyrantF>0) { System.out.println(" Your guards fend off the hoard from your walls."); waitsecs(2); } else if(MycontyrantF<0) { System.out.println(" The fungi hoard swmms the city killing many."); HumansA-=4; HumansD+=4; waitsecs(2); if (Guild.equals("3")) { G+=4; } } else if (Mycontyrant==0) { System.out.println(" The hoard take many but not without killing many."); HumansA-=2; HumansD-=2; waitsecs(2); if (Guild.equals("3")) { G+=2; } } } else if (Day==7) { System.out.println(" Lumra a bear the size of a building charges towards your settlement brings life with him."); Food+=10; System.out.println(DF-Lumra); LumraF=DF-Lumra; if (LumraF>0) { System.out.println(" you fend off the bear and and drive Lumra back into the wilds."); waitsecs(2); } else if(LumraF<0) { System.out.println(" the bear drives into your walls killing many slaugthering the towns."); HumansA-=6; HumansD+=6; waitsecs(2); if (Guild.equals("3")) { G+=6; } } else if (LumraF==0) { System.out.println(" The bear kills many but your troops manage to send it into the wilds."); HumansA-=3; HumansD+=3; waitsecs(2); if (Guild.equals("3")) { G+=6; } } } else if (Day==8) { System.out.println(" a small group of humans join your settlement."); HumansA+=3; waitsecs(2); } else if (Day==9) { System.out.println(" A surgeon calling himself Geralf walks to your walls and asks to heal your wounded."); System.out.println(" Take him in (1)"); System.out.println(" Say no (2)"); Geralf=kb.nextLine(); SkaabF=DF-Skaab; if (Geralf.equals("1")) { System.out.println(" he goes to your graveyard ands turns them into Skaabs attacking your city."); System.out.println(DF-Skaab); if (SkaabF>0) { System.out.println(" the skaabs disrupt the infastructure from the inside but the guards are able to fend them off."); waitsecs(2); } else if (SkaabF<0) { System.out.println(" the Skaabs were to much and they overwhelm the defenses."); HumansA-=5; HumansD+=5; waitsecs(2); if (Guild.equals("3")) { G+=5; } } else if (SkaabF==0) { System.out.println(" the skaabs were a threat but you manage to fend them"); HumansA-=2; HumansD+=2; waitsecs(2); if (Guild.equals("3")) { G+=2; } } } else if (Geralf.equals("2")) { System.out.println(" He leaves."); waitsecs(2); } } else if(Day==10) { System.out.println(" In a blazing fury a human engulfed in flames and madness attacks you village and burning your wood."); Wood-=5; System.out.println(DF-Chandra); ChandraF=DF-Chandra; if (ChandraF>0) { System.out.println(" Chandra the blazing ball of fury was barely fended off"); waitsecs(2); } else if (ChandraF<0) { System.out.println(" Chandra burns her way through your settlement destroying much."); HumansA-=4; HumansD+=4; waitsecs(2); if (Guild.equals("3")) { G+=4; } } else if (ChandraF==0) { System.out.println(" The burn from Chandra does much but your troops manage to deflect her assault."); HumansA-=2; HumansD+=2; waitsecs(2); if (Guild.equals("3")) { G+=2; } } } else if(Day==11) { System.out.println(" One of your humans stub his toes and dies from an infection."); HumansA--; HumansD++; waitsecs(2); G++; } else if (Day==12) { System.out.println(" One of people when stumbling around during the night finds a box with food stone and wood in it."); Food+=3; Wood+=3; Stone+=3; waitsecs(2); } else if (Day==13) { System.out.println(" Xenagos a satyr god walks into your city giving your town a choice either"); System.out.println(" Lose 2 people and get 5 of each rescource (1)"); System.out.println(" or get 5 people but fight his revelers (2)"); Xenagos=kb.nextLine(); if (Xenagos.equals("1")) { System.out.println(" His revelers rush the city grabbing 2 people and leaving the rescources."); HumansA-=2; Wood+=5; Food+=5; Stone+=5; waitsecs(2); } else if (Xenagos.equals("2")) { System.out.println(" The 5 people wander into your city looking confused and astray before a swarm of revelers attack you city."); HumansA+=5; System.out.println(DF-Revelers); RevelersF=DF-Revelers; if (RevelersF>0) { System.out.println(" in the chaos your defenses manage to form a defensive barrier and push out the revelers."); waitsecs(2); } else if (Revelers<0) { System.out.println(" the revelers overtake your city causing destrution at everyturn."); HumansA-=4; HumansD+=4; waitsecs(2); if (Guild.equals("3")) { G+=4; } } else if (RevelersF==0) { System.out.println(" the reverlers attack doing much damage but before any more could be done the gaurds organize themselves and counterattack."); HumansA-=2; HumansD+=2; waitsecs(2); if (Guild.equals("3")) { G+=2; } } } } else if (Day==14) { System.out.println(" the phyrexians come, they infect and they destroy..."); InfectionNum*=Two; System.out.println(DF-Phyrexia); System.out.println(" They will return, they will...infect"); PhyrexiaF=DF-Phyrexia; if (PhyrexiaF>0) { System.out.println(" you manage to fend off the invading hoard."); waitsecs(2); } else if(PhyrexiaF<0) { System.out.println(" the hoard invades and worlds fall."); HumansA-=6; HumansD+=6; waitsecs(2); if (Guild.equals("3")) { G+=6; } } else if (PhyrexiaF==0) { System.out.println(" you walls hold but the pressence of phyrexia kills."); HumansA-=3; HumansD+=3; waitsecs(2); if (Guild.equals("3")) { G+=3; } } } else if (Day==15) { System.out.println(" A humbling ghost shambles towards your settlement, placing fear in your settlement."); HY-=5; waitsecs(2); } else if (Day==16) { System.out.println(" A large group of humans come with a large ammount of food."); HumansA+=7; Food+=10; waitsecs(2); } else if (Day==17) { System.out.println(" when all your villagers wake up in the wreck of your ship you find a base box, when placed gives you 10 DF."); DF+=10; waitsecs(2); } else if (Day==18) { System.out.println(" for some reason this day you all slept good so all the villagers are happy."); HY+=8; waitsecs(2); } else if (Day==19) { System.out.println(" A cow wandered into your village, what do you do with it."); System.out.println(" Kill it (1)"); System.out.println(" Save it (2)"); Cow=kb.nextLine(); if (Cow.equals("1")) { System.out.println(" the cow's blood splatters over the ground, giving you much beef."); Food+=10; waitsecs(2); } else if (Cow.equals("2")) { System.out.println(" the cow wanders across town every day giving you milk."); FDIncr++; waitsecs(2); } } else if (Day==20) { System.out.println(" a small group of humans join your village with wood."); HumansA+=3; Wood+=5; waitsecs(2); } } System.out.println(" "); System.out.println("Days Alive " +Days); System.out.println("Humans Alive " +HumansA); System.out.println("Food " +Food); System.out.println("Wood " +Wood); System.out.println("Stone " +Stone); System.out.println("Gold " +G); System.out.println("Happiness " +HY); System.out.println("Defense " +DF); System.out.println("Attack " +AD); System.out.println(" "); System.out.println(" "); System.out.println("ACTIONS"); System.out.println(" Chop Trees (1)"); System.out.println(" Go hunting (2)"); System.out.println(" Mine (3)"); System.out.println(" Build a building (4)"); System.out.println(" Trade with trader (5)"); System.out.println(" Attack to enemy (6)"); Action=kb.nextLine(); if (Action.equals("1")) { Tree=generator.nextInt(5)+1; if (Tree==1) { System.out.println(" You gain 5 WOOD"); Wood+=5; waitsecs(1); if (Guild.equals("5")) { Wood++; } } else if (Tree==2) { System.out.println(" you gain 7 WOOD"); Wood+=7; waitsecs(1); if (Guild.equals("5")) { Wood++; } } else if (Tree==3) { System.out.println(" you gain 10 WOOD"); Wood+=10; waitsecs(1); if (Guild.equals("5")) { Wood++; } } else if (Tree==4) { System.out.println(" you gain 3 WOOD"); Wood+=3; waitsecs(1); if (Guild.equals("5")) { Wood++; } } else if (Tree==5) { System.out.println(" you encounter a Bear..."); System.out.println(DF-Bear); BearF=DF-Bear; waitsecs(1); if (BearF>0) { System.out.println(" you kill the attacking bear and continue with your tasks."); waitsecs(1); } else if (BearF<0) { System.out.println(" the bear's attack was not percepted by the workers killing 1"); HumansA-=1; HumansD++; waitsecs(1); if (Guild.equals("3")) { G++; } } else if (BearF==0) { System.out.println(" you manage to fend off the bear with minimal loses."); waitsecs(1); } } } else if (Action.equals("2")) { Hunt=generator.nextInt(5)+1; if (Hunt==1) { System.out.println(" you gain 6 FOOD"); Food+=5; waitsecs(1); } else if (Hunt==2) { System.out.println(" you gain 7 FOOD"); Food+=6; waitsecs(1); } else if (Hunt==3) { System.out.println(" you gain 5 FOOD"); Food+=4; waitsecs(1); } else if (Hunt==4) { System.out.println(" you encounter a bushwag"); waitsecs(1); System.out.println(" Pet it (1)"); System.out.println(" Kill it (2)"); System.out.println(" RUN (3)"); Bushwag=kb.nextLine(); if (Bushwag.equals("1")) { System.out.println("The branches of a bushwag spike and prickle you but it is content."); System.out.println("you gain 5 WOOD"); Wood+=5; waitsecs(1); } else if(Bushwag.equals("2")) { System.out.println("You aim your arrow and fire but the shot bounces off it and the bushwag kills one of your people."); HumansA--; HumansD++; waitsecs(1); } else if (Bushwag.equals("3")) { System.out.println("You run from the mighty beast leaving your honor along with it."); waitsecs(1); } } else if (Hunt==5) { System.out.println("Your human runs into a satyr in the wood who calls himself xenagos."); System.out.println("Xenagos convinces yout human to join the endless party... the human leaves"); HumansA--; waitsecs(1); } } else if(Action.equals("3")) { Mine=generator.nextInt(5)+1; if (Mine==1) { System.out.println(" you get 5 STONE"); Stone+=5; waitsecs(1); } else if (Mine==2) { System.out.println(" you get 7 STONE"); Stone+=7; waitsecs(1); } else if (Mine==3) { System.out.println(" you get 4 STONE"); Stone+=4; waitsecs(1); } else if (Mine==4) { System.out.println(" you get 10 STONE"); Stone+=10; waitsecs(1); } else if (Mine==5) { System.out.println(" you encounter a Broodrage Mycanoid"); System.out.println(DF-Brood); waitsecs(1); BroodF=DF-Brood; if (BroodF>0) { System.out.println(" your workers fend off the sudden attack."); waitsecs(1); } else if (BroodF<0) { System.out.println(" The sudden attack kills 2 of your worker and strengthens the Mycontyrant..."); HumansA-=2; HumansD+=2; Mycontyrant+=2; waitsecs(1); if (Guild.equals("3")) { G+=2; } } else if (BroodF==0) { System.out.println(" The attack caught your workers by surprise but they quickly fended him off."); HumansA-=1; HumansD+=1; Mycontyrant++; waitsecs(1); if (Guild.equals("3")) { G+=1; } } } } else if (Action.equals("4")) { System.out.println(" "); System.out.println(" Barracks (Increases Defense),(5 Wood 8 Stone) (1)"); System.out.println(" House (Increases Happiness),(4 Wood 1 Stone) (2)"); System.out.println(" Tower (Increase Defense),(4 Wood 4 Stones) (3)"); System.out.println(" Resturant (Increase Food),(5 wood 6 Stone) (4)"); System.out.println(" Chapel (Makes Humans),(10 Wood 4 Stone) (5)"); System.out.println(" Pyramid (Gets gold),(2 Wood 12 Stone) (6)"); System.out.println(" Farm (Increase Food),(6 Wood 2 Stone) (7)"); System.out.println(" Forge (Increases Attack) (4 Wood 10 Stone) (8)"); Build=kb.nextLine(); if (Build.equals("1")&& Wood>=5 && Stone>=8) { System.out.println("the humans get busy, working on you magnificint project"); DF+=8; Wood-=5; Stone-=8; waitsecs(1); } else if (Build.equals("2")&&Wood>=4 && Stone>=1) { System.out.println("the humans get busy, working on you magnificint project"); HY+=5; Wood-=4; Stone-=1; waitsecs(1); HumansA+=1; } else if (Build.equals("3") && Wood>=4 && Stone>=4) { System.out.println("the humans get busy, working on you magnificint project"); DF+=5; Wood-=4; Stone-=4; waitsecs(1); } else if (Build.equals("4") && Wood>=5 && Stone>=6) { System.out.println("the humans get busy, working on you magnificint project"); FDIncr+=2; Wood-=5; Stone-=6; waitsecs(1); } else if (Build.equals("5") && Wood>=10 && Stone>=4) { System.out.println("the humans get busy, working on you magnificint project"); Wood-=10; Stone-=4; HIncr+=1; waitsecs(1); if (Guild.equals("4")) { HIncr+=1; } } else if (Build.equals("6") && Wood>=2 && Stone>=12) { System.out.println("the humans get busy, working on you magnificint project"); G+=10; GIncr+=3; Wood-=2; Stone-=12; waitsecs(1); } else if (Build.equals("7") && Wood>=6 && Stone>=2) { System.out.println("the humans get busy, working on you magnificint project"); FDIncr+=1; Wood-=6; Stone-=2; waitsecs(1); } else if (Build.equals("8") && Wood>=4 && Stone>=10) { System.out.println("the humans get busy, working on you magnificint project"); AD+=5; Wood-=4; Stone-=10; } else { System.out.println("you people get busy building something but you dont know what..."); waitsecs(1); Something++; } } else if(Action.equals("5")) { System.out.println("the trader notices you walking towards his cart and he smiles a big grin...:)"); System.out.println("Hello, it is me Urza otherwise known as the T.R.A.D.E.R."); System.out.println("What would you like to buy from my humble store."); System.out.println(" 5 Wood: 15 Gold (1)"); System.out.println(" 5 Stone: 15 Gold (2)"); System.out.println(" 5 Food: 20 Gold (3)"); System.out.println(" 3 Wood,3 Stone,3 Food: 30 Gold (4)"); System.out.println(" 1 Weapon: 40 Gold +10 AD (5)"); System.out.println(" 1 Ballistic Missile Part: 100 Gold (6)"); Trader=kb.nextLine(); if (Trader.equals("1") && G>=15) { System.out.println("Thank you for your purchase:)"); Wood+=5; G-=15; waitsecs(1); } else if (Trader.equals("2") && G>=15) { System.out.println("Thank you for your purchase:)"); Stone+=5; G-=15; waitsecs(1); } else if (Trader.equals("3") && G>=20) { System.out.println("Thank you for your purchase:)"); Food+=5; G-=20; waitsecs(1); } else if (Trader.equals("4") && G>=30) { System.out.println("Thank you for your purchase:)"); Wood+=3; Stone+=3; Food+=3; G-=30; waitsecs(1); } else if (Trader.equals("5") && G>=25) { System.out.println("Thank you for your purchase:)"); AD+=10; G-=25; waitsecs(1); } else if (Trader.equals("5") && G>=60) { System.out.println("Good luck with you little project..."); Part++; G-=60; waitsecs(1); } } else if(Action.equals("6")) { System.out.println("You attack to other towns..."); if (Attack==1) { System.out.println("your forces encroach on a neighboring town"); System.out.println(Town1F); Town1F=Town1DF-AD; if (Town1F>0) { System.out.println("The town had better defenses than expected and kill 3 of your troops."); HumansA-=3; } else if (Town1F<0) { System.out.println("your army encroaches and decimates the neighboring town getting you 10 WOOD and 7 FOOD."); Wood+=10; Food+=7; } else { System.out.println("your army was defleced by the walls zero loses."); } } else if (Attack==2) { System.out.println("your forces encroach on a neighboring town"); System.out.println(Town2F); Town2F=Town2DF-AD; if (Town2F>0) { System.out.println("The town had better defenses than expected and kill 4 of your troops."); HumansA-=4; } else if (Town2F<0) { System.out.println("your army encroaches and decimates the neighboring town getting you 7 WOOD and 10 STONE."); Wood+=7; Stone+=10; } else { System.out.println("your army was defleced by the walls zero loses."); } } else if (Attack==3) { System.out.println("your forces encroach on a neighboring town"); System.out.println(Town3F); Town3F=Town3DF-AD; if (Town3F>0) { System.out.println("The town had better defenses than expected and kill 2 of your troops."); HumansA-=2; } else if (Town3F<0) { System.out.println("Your army encroaches and ecimates the neighboring town getting 3 human slaves and 5 WOOD."); Wood+=5; HumansA+=3; } else { System.out.println("your army was defleced by the walls zero loses."); } } else if (Attack==4) { System.out.println("your forces encroach on a neighboring town"); System.out.println(Town4F); Town4F=Town4DF-AD; if (Town4F>0) { System.out.println("The town had better defenses than expected and kill 5 of your troops."); HumansA-=5; } else if (Town4F<0) { System.out.println("Your army encroaches and ecimates the neighboring town getting 5 Stone and 12 Food."); Stone+=5; Food+=12; } else { System.out.println("your army was defleced by the walls zero loses."); } } else if (Attack==5) { System.out.println("Your Troops find a Phyrexian Stringhold pulsating with a mechanical sickness with it."); System.out.println(PhyrexianAF); PhyrexianAF=PhyrexianDF-AD; InfectionNum+=2; if (PhyrexianAF>0) { System.out.println("your troops struggkle agianst phyrexia and eventually fall."); HumansA-=6; } else if (PhyrexianAF<0) { System.out.println("your troops destroy the stronghold of ohyrexia taking only the WOOD and STONE"); Wood+=7; Stone+=7; } else { System.out.println("your troops attempt to destroy the stronghold, you lose many."); HumansA-=10; } } else if (Attack==6) { System.out.println("Yoour troops find a town that seems to have a more millitary focus."); System.out.println(MillitaryF); MillitaryF=MillitaryTown-AD; if (MillitaryF>0) { System.out.println("the Town has better defenses than you thought and you loose many troops."); HumansA-=6; } else if (MillitaryF<0) { System.out.println("Your troops take the stronghold and get 10 FOOD and 4 Humans"); HumansA+=4; Food+=10; } else { System.out.println("You troops never attacked the town."); } } else if (Attack==7) { System.out.println("your troops stumble apon a house in a glade surronded by graveyards."); System.out.println(GisaH); GisaH=GisaHome-AD; if (GisaH>0) { System.out.println("one of your troops tentavivly walsk to the door and after a single knock the graves spew out zombie killing every last troop sent on the mission."); HumansA-=15; } else if (GisaH<0) { System.out.println("one of your troops tentavivly walsk to the door and after a single knock the graves spew out zombies but your troops fend them off and retreat back to camp but with the zombies on your tail."); HumansD+=15; } else { System.out.println("your troops walk away before they get in troble."); } } } Actions++; if (HY<=0) { System.out.println("You Lose:("); System.exit(0); } if (HumansA<=0) { System.out.println("You Lose:("); System.exit(0); } if (Food<0) { System.out.println("You Lose:("); System.exit(0); } if (HumansD>=10) { System.out.println("Gisa arrives, and the zombies follow."); System.out.println(DF-Gisa); HumansD-=5; GisaF=DF-Gisa; waitsecs(1); HY-=2; if (GisaF>0) { System.out.println(" You manage to defend against the zombie hoard."); waitsecs(1); } else if (GisaF<0) { System.out.println(" the zombies steamroll your encampment leaving death in their wake."); HumansA-=4; waitsecs(1); } else if (GisaF==0) { System.out.println(" your encampment loses many lives to the hoard but your soliders manage stop most of the deaths."); HumansA-=2; waitsecs(1); } } if (Days==30) { System.out.println("You win."); System.out.println("Continue (1)"); System.out.println("Stop (2)"); Winner=kb.nextLine(); if (Winner.equals("1")) { System.out.println("Enjoy."); } else if (Winner.equals("2")) { System.exit(0); } else { System.out.println("Guess you just wanna continue."); } } if (HY<=0) { System.out.println("You Lose:("); System.exit(0); } if (HumansA<=0) { System.out.println("You Lose:("); System.exit(0); } if (Food<0) { System.out.println("You Lose:("); System.exit(0); } if (Actions>=3) { Days++; Actions-=3; Food+=FDIncr; Food-=HumansA; HumansA+=HIncr; G+=GIncr; if (Guild.equals("2")) { DF+=HumansD; } } if (Part==3) { System.out.println("the Great weapon Has been made, prepare for WAR!!!!!!!!"); //put attack here +100 DF+=100; } }
} static void waitsecs(int target) { LockSupport.parkNanos(TimeUnit.SECONDS.toNanos(target)); } static void waitnanosecs(int target) { LockSupport.parkNanos(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toNanos(target)); } }
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