
In today's digital landscape, small businesses often struggle to create compelling marketing assets due to limited resources and expertise. We were inspired to leverage the power of generative AI to provide an affordable and accessible solution for contractors and small businesses to promote their services online. By automating the video editing process and transforming raw footage into polished marketing videos, we aim to empower these businesses to showcase their work and attract new customers effectively.

What it does

Our platform revolutionizes the way small businesses create marketing videos. It takes raw video footage and images provided by contractors, along with a description of their work, and utilizes advanced AI technologies to generate professional-grade videos. These videos are optimized for social media platforms, allowing contractors to effortlessly publish and share them on their own pages. By simplifying the video creation process, we enable small businesses to produce high-quality marketing assets without the need for extensive technical knowledge or expensive equipment.

How we built it

We built our platform by leveraging a range of cutting-edge technologies. We utilized AWS Bedrock Titan for generating sophisticated video embeddings, capturing the essence of the raw footage. OpenSearch was employed to efficiently store and retrieve relevant video clips, ensuring quick access to the most impactful moments. AWS S3 provided secure and scalable storage for the raw footage, allowing seamless management of the content. LaunchDarkly was integrated to handle project credentials and configuration, enabling a personalized experience for each user. The backend was powered by Python and FastAPI, ensuring fast and efficient processing of video editing requests. The Claude API played a crucial role in generating JSON-formatted objects based on the contractor's description, serving as a blueprint for the final video. Finally, we used Editly, an ffmpeg wrapper, to transform the JSON object and raw footage into a polished and professional video, complete with precise cuts, transitions, and effects.

Challenges we ran into

One of the main challenges we encountered was the time constraint of a 6-hour hackathon. Given the complexity of the project, we had to work efficiently and make the most of the limited time available. Additionally, we faced some hurdles due to the lack of comprehensive documentation for AWS Bedrock, which required us to invest extra effort in understanding and implementing its functionalities. Another challenge was the slow uploading and processing of large video files, which could have hindered the user experience. To overcome this, we employed parallel programming techniques to optimize the workflow and ensure smooth operation.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

Despite the challenges we faced, we are incredibly proud of the accomplishments we achieved during this hackathon. We successfully developed a fully functional platform that automates the video editing process and generates high-quality marketing videos for small businesses. By leveraging state-of-the-art AI technologies, we were able to create a seamless and intuitive user experience that simplifies the creation of professional-grade videos. We are proud of our ability to overcome the technical hurdles and deliver a solution that has the potential to make a real impact on the marketing efforts of small businesses.

What we learned

Throughout the development process, we gained valuable insights and knowledge. We learned the importance of efficient time management and prioritization when working under tight deadlines. We also discovered the power of parallel programming in optimizing resource-intensive tasks, such as video uploading and processing. Additionally, we gained a deeper understanding of various AI technologies, including AWS Bedrock Titan, OpenSearch, and the Claude API, and how they can be integrated to create innovative solutions. Moreover, we learned the significance of user-centric design and the need to provide an intuitive and seamless experience for our target audience.

What's next for FOCI

Looking ahead, our vision is to integrate FOCI into Field Rocket, a comprehensive platform designed to support small businesses in their digital marketing efforts. By incorporating FOCI's AI-powered video editing capabilities into Field Rocket, we aim to provide real-world small businesses with an affordable and accessible tool for creating compelling marketing videos. We plan to refine and enhance the platform based on user feedback and real-world usage, ensuring that it meets the evolving needs of small businesses. Additionally, we intend to explore further applications of generative AI in marketing, potentially expanding our offerings to include other types of marketing assets, such as social media graphics and product demonstrations. Our ultimate goal is to empower small businesses to effectively promote their services, reach a wider audience, and thrive in the competitive digital landscape.

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