Forest and Duolingo were our inspirations, since it required you to achieve your goals in an engaging way.
What it does
Allows you to stay on track of your wellness goals by creating an exclusive space for your physical and mental wellness, helping you prioritise self care.
How we built it
Frontend was built with React, Figma, backend was built with Flask using REST API
Challenges we ran into
Time constraint, connecting the front end visuals with back end code.
Accomplishments that we're proud of
Two of our teammates are first-time hackers, so we were able to manage our project timeline and communicate our ideas from front end to back end
What we learned
Comminucation is key, and everyone's ideas should be considered equally. Time management especially during hackathons are crucial
What's next for FitCat
Accessing and displaying health data from smartwatches and mobile phones Cat breed customization More moods, food and toys for the cat upon completing goals
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