
After a big amount of issues with softwares at work, we decided that creating our own would be the greatest idea. We needed to to something that could ease the learning of it, due to the time it take for a regular software to master it. With the whole AI revolution, we thought that we could make a ChatGPT-like softaware, that could accomplish tasks like a sale, a bill, clients, etc, with a basic prompt.

What it does

from natural language, this software is capable of achieving what you ask, fulfilling the task. It does not only simplify the process, but takes less than to learn how to use it compared to a traditional point of sale.

How we built it

First we used ChatGPT API to get the AI involved in this. Then we trained the model to respond the user's prompt with an SQL Query. Then it accesses the database and get's the data the SQL indicates, and retrieve the data you asked for, or, if its the case, add data to the database.

Challenges we ran into

Getting work done with the ChatGPT API was the first challenge we had to deal with. We had never used it before, but as the time passed in, we kept discovering and learning how this tool worked. After that, we got started on the databases. We build our sample database and connected it with the AI Model so they could work together. The main issue comes when we found out that Supabase database was not able to work directly with our model. We had to modify and adapt the code to this problem so we could kept going.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

Mostly getting all together. The simple fact of being able to use an AI model, a database, and building a Website, and then adding all this to the website, it's simply insane for us. Not only because we thought we knew basic things like webdev or database management, but because we discovered a completely new side of this fields.

What we learned

We learned how to use an API; an AI one. We reinforced our WebDev and database management skills. We learned how to use a new database service like Supabase, which is cool, because now it adds a new option to our skills portfolio.

What's next for ChatERP

We would really like to keep track of it, and continue implementing, updating and adding more and more features, giving it a good-looking UI-UX and kept developing it. We consider it is a great project for freshmen students, so we are really excited to keep working on it during our college phase, and who knows, maybe make a job out of it.

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