The inspiration for creating AVA (Artificial Verbal Assistant) came when we had difficulty travelling to different countries and communicating with the locals.
What it does
AVA translates from text, speech, and images! AVA can also speak back to you, to help you learn new languages!
How we built it
We used GitHub for our version control and split the work up. For our backend we used python and openAI API. For our frontend we used React, Nextjs, and TailwindCSS. We designed our website using Figma.
Challenges we ran into
We had multiple challenges in styling the front end, as our team consisted of mostly backend developers, so navigating this was a challenge. We struggled with making our application responsive and also getting elements in the exact spots we wanted.
Accomplishments that we're proud of
We are proud of the numerous new and interesting frameworks used for creating AVA. Also, the Text to the Speech and Image processing was another new and exciting thing that was difficult but straightforward to use.
What we learned
We learned and used many frameworks and API endpoints to make everything functional.
What's next for AVA - Artificial Verbal Assistant
We would like to have it be put in social conversation cases, like social media apps and real-life situations. Another, advancement we would like to make is to have it teach new languages that the user suggests.
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