
What makes reading so enjoyable? For us, that is being able to connect to what we read. We often try to visualize what we read, but what if you could visualize how it sounds? We made ambience to bring an auditory element to connecting to books, and to create an immersive experience to put reading to its fullest potential.

What it does

Creates playlist of corresponding music for any book to listen while reading.

Why use ambience?

  • Create an immersive experience while you read
  • Connect to what you read
  • Reading while listening to music improves your cognitive performance [1]
  • Improves your focus in noisy environments [1]

How it works

  1. Upload a PDF file of your book
  2. Uses Gemini to analyze text and gather tones and sentiments for search parameters
  3. Searches Spotify for corresponding music and generates playlist
  4. Read and play music in the website

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