What it does
Age with Grace is a comprehensive service platform for elders and their loved ones.
We offer various services, including grocery shopping, yard work, cleaning, and transportation assistance, to make daily life more enjoyable and fulfilling for elders.
How we built it
Age with Grace was built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It is an easy-to-use platform that ensures a seamless and dignified experience for our clients.
Challenges we ran into
One of the main challenges we faced while designing Age with Grace was accessing the needs of our clients.
We managed to overcome this using an online API.
Accomplishments that we're proud of
We are extremely proud of our ability to code such a functional and practical website, even though we have never coded before.
What we learned
We learned how to code using HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
Furthermore, we also learned the importance of taking care of our elderly, as they were the ones who formed society or us.
What's Next for Age With Grace
Age with Grace is committed to expanding our reach and enhancing our services.
We aim to partner with more elders and their loved ones, providing them with the support and assistance they need to navigate their beautiful life.
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