
Worldcrafter is inspired by the Infinite Craft game created by Neal Agarwal.

I really enjoy the game's concept as it delves into the perception of our world by LLM models and how they can create unique ideas by merging them together.

I'm interested in knowing how challenging it would be to replicate the game's mechanics using Partyrocks.

What it does

In Worldcrafter, you start with four base elements: 💧Water 🔥Fire 💨Wind 🌍Earth

With this, you can craft anything in this world. Examples: to create a Blade 🗡️

  1. Create steam: 🔥Fire + 💧Water = 💥Steam
  2. Then creates cloud 💥Steam + 💨Wind = ☁️Cloud
  3. ☁️Cloud + 🌏Earth = 🌧Rain
  4. 🌧Rain + 🌏Earth = 🛢Oil
  5. 🛢Oil + 🔥Fire = 🔥Flame
  6. 🔥Flame + 💨Wind = 🔥Firestorm
  7. 🔥Firestorm + 🌏Earth = 🌋Lava
  8. 🌋Lava + 💧Water = 💥Obsidian
  9. 💥Obsidian + 💨Wind = 🗡Blade

You have the power to create things in the world. By chatting with the crafting system and providing instructions on the elements to craft, you can bring your ideas to life. With each new element you create, the AI artist will generate a new artistic interpretation.

How we built it

Using PartyRocks I used different widgets: one chat widget for the player to give instructions to craft new element one text widget to extract the last element created one text widget to generate a nice prompt to describe this new element one image generation widget to draw an artistic interpretation of this new element another text widget to summarize all the crafting operations and a final text widget to generate the corresponding mermaid.js crafting chart.

Challenges we ran into

The widget and application don't have shared memory. I wanted to track which user discovered a new element for the first time, but this is not possible.

Widgets run every time another update, and there is no possibility to run them in sequence or use conditions.

The Stable Diffusion image generation model is not performant.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

The game works :)

What we learned

First time interacting with PartyRocks and using Claude model.

What's next for WorldCrafter

Maybe we can add support for multiplayers.

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