
We wanted to create a way to ensure safe work space conditions that follow appropriate social distancing guidelines and also have some fun in quarantine developing new work and learning new skills.

What it does

Work Spacer monitors work environments for violations of social distancing procedures, including maintaining at least 2M between workers and hand to face interactions.

How I built it

Work Spacer was built using Azure Kinect tracking Cameras and Unity Game engine.

Challenges I ran into

It was quite a challenge working as a one person team to develop this software in a short time. I had farther reaching goals of developing a network monitoring system, but ran out of time. It was very challenging to envision a way to create tracking software that could respect the privacy of individuals as well.

Accomplishments that I'm proud of

I have developed what could become a viable solution for small businesses who are looking to be safe space for humans to inhabit after this pandemic. I am glad that I was able to use my skills to create something that could help humanity. This is a great accomplishment.

What I learned

I learned new computer vision techniques and a new way of thinking about hackathons versus the more traditional hacks pre-virus.

What's next for Work Spacer

I will continue to implement new features, including a networked mobile monitor and the ability to send push notifications to user devices. I will also seek to find new collaborators.

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