What it does

Our app allows users to manage, design, and share workout plans in a simple and intuitive way!

How we built it

Using our combined knowledge of web design, backend development, and database management, we were able to develop an app using Github to collaborate and develop code in parallel.

Challenges we ran into

The main challenge we ran into was the fact that GitHub was blocked on the school Wi-Fi. But we also had issues when we were merging our code, and we could have communicated better on how each team member planned out and implemented their features.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

We are very proud of the use of a real database in the app. This provides experience that could be used for large scale apps in future ventures.

What we learned

We learned a lot about how multiple components of an app can be connected to create a fully featured app, as well as the challenges that come with that.

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