Being a student my inspiration for this project is me and my friends. I thought it would helpfull to have some random questions about that topic before a test. my enthusiasm towards AI has lead me to create thsi project utilzing AI
What it does
This application has 2 functionalities 1) To generate Quizes for users on the topic of their choice 2) To generate Flash cards for users on the context text provided by the user.
How we built it
For implementing the functionalities i have utilised GOOGLE AI API which is used to generate questions for quizes and also flash cards from a given context text. The overall application is built on HTML, CSS, JS on frontend and FLASK framework and SQLite on the backend
Challenges we ran into
Some of the challeges i faced are prompting the AI model to give the output in the desired format and was able to use langchain to succeed in that but there were still some errors which i was able to reduce by incrementally providing feedback when there is a error.
Accomplishments that we're proud of
Some of the accomplishments that i am proud of are being able to use AI as part of this application. Most of all i would love to use this application. Being able to build an application that i can use is rewarding to me.
What we learned
I have learnt about integrating GOOGLE AI API using Langchain.
What's next for wiseUp
The next thing for wiseUp will be to use a better AI model that can give more accurate and correct questions and format. Being able to generate Questions is something to work on.
Built With
- css3
- flask
- google-ai-api
- html5
- javascript
- langchain
- python
- sqlalchemy
- sqlite
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