So, how many times has it happened that You got some file from someone and forgot to store it in your drive? also sometimes you are so busy that it becomes difficult for you to open google drive then sign in and then upload your file. we are students so we often face this kind of situation. So, to resolve this issue we have created this app called whatdrive through which you can upload your audio/video/pdf/image file directly from your Whatsapp to Google Drive account.
What it does
Uploads image/video/audio file directly from your Whatsapp account to google drive.
How we built it
We have used Google drive API to upload files to the account.
Node js for managing API requests
and last but not least Twilio WhatsApp Api to receive files from WhatsApp.
Here is a simple diagram that explains how this app works
Challenges we ran into
First, it was our first time working with Twilio so it took me some time to understand how Twilio works. And Google drive is a very important service so I have to keep in mind the security of my app.
Accomplishments that we're proud of
Successfully implementing the upload feature with proper security and minimum user interface.
What we learned
1) How to authenticate API key using Google oAuth2. 2) Building interactive user interaction with Twilio.
What's next for whatdrive
1) Make the authentication part more dynamic and secure. 2) Implementing other useful functions (saving inside a folder, creating a public URL ) using Twilio and Google Drive API.
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