Inspiration Our inspiration came from the desire to make a website where people can see the current disaster watch, such as tornados, crime, fires, and much more.
What it does
Currently, it has a pinned message at the top of the screen that displays the temperature in your current area and it also has a chatroom feature where users can talk to eachother through different devices.
How we built it
We used html and css to build the website. Our current website is simple in design and functions to allow users to chat to eachother. We used JavaScript for the weather functionality. It asks the user for access to their location and uses weather apis from that area to respond with the current temperature there.
Challenges we ran into
We spent a long time trying to learn how to use node.js for our chat room, as none of us had any experience with it, but we ran into many problems and it never worked.
Accomplishments that we're proud of
We are proud of working together, being able to overcome our technical issues, and submit a working project.
What we learned
We learned that despite our experience being lackluster in the coding field, if we all collabarate with full intensions we can improve at a rapid pace and create something cool!
What's next for WeatherRoom
We are working on crime and disaster alerts, along with community events. We intend to add protocol and guidelines for specific events such as an amber alert, a tornado warning, and other different warnings/disasters.
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