
Wayfinder was inspired by the daily navigation challenges faced by visually impaired individuals. Our goal was to harness the power of cutting-edge technology to create a tool that enhances independence and safety for blind people as they navigate through various environments.

What it does

Wayfinder is a web-based navigation aid that uses Generative AI along with GPS and gyroscope technology to provide real-time and audio-guided directions to visually impaired users. It simplifies complex navigation tasks by delivering clear, easy-to-follow oral instructions accessible via any web-enabled device.

How we built it

We developed Wayfinder by integrating Generative AI to interpret surroundings and suggest optimal routes. The system combines GPS data for precise location tracking with gyroscope measurements to detect orientation and movement, ensuring accurate guidance.

Challenges we ran into

One major challenge was ensuring the navigation instructions are both accurate and easily understandable in real time. We also focused on making the website really fast and availiable that with the technologies we were dealing with it was reather challenging.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

We are proud of creating a tool that significantly enhances the autonomy of visually impaired individuals. Our successful integration of AI and sensor technologies to create a seamless user experience stands out as a major accomplishment. Providing highly availiable and fast website hosting has been quite the accomplishment too.

What we learned

Throughout the development of Wayfinder, we gained deeper insights into the specific needs and challenges faced by visually impaired users. We learned about the importance of intuitive design and the potential of AI to transform everyday accessibility tools. The project also improved our skills in multidisciplinary collaboration and user-centered design.

What's next for Wayfinder

The next steps for Wayfinder include expanding the geographical coverage and incorporating more languages to increase its accessibility. We plan to integrate additional features such as obstacle detection and more detailed environmental descriptions.

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