
Amidst the growing volumes of waste generated worldwide, adopting a more sustainable waste management approach has become imperative. The Waste Inspector application empowers us to gain a deeper understanding of waste composition, enabling informed decisions on reuse or safe disposal. Powered by artificial intelligence, Gemini.

What it does

Waste Analysis: The app analyzes waste images using AI techniques to identify their components.

Environmental Impact Assessment: The app assesses how the waste components impact the environment.

Waste Disposal Suggestions: The app provides suggestions on how to dispose of waste safely and environmentally.

Waste Recycling: The app helps identify waste recycling opportunities and reduce the amount of waste going to landfills.

How we built it

This application was built using the Flutter framework, and we utilized the Gemini API for the waste inspection and analysis process.

Challenges we ran into

The challenges we faced were not many. The main challenge was choosing an appropriate idea to utilize artificial intelligence capabilities to serve the community. This idea came to mind at the time, and we built it.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

An achievement we are proud of is the outcome that we have reached, where this application will help all age groups alike in learning about the types of waste, the damage it causes, and how to reuse and dispose of it without harming the environment.

What we learned

What we learned during the development of this application is a deeper understanding of how to manage and train Gemini to achieve a specific result.

What's next for Waste Inspector

We want to add more options to the application, namely providing statistics on the type of presence of this waste in the environment, adding more languages, and improving the design.

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