Charlottesville's vibrant, tight-knit community, which often goes largely undiscovered by students- especially first years.
What it does:
Gives students a list of mysterious objectives with written/visual hints to guide them around Charlottesville attractions. Aimed towards new students who are less familiar with Grounds and the surrounding area.
How we built it:
Used a Java-based backend to create a database storing users' past visited locations and how many map objectives they have completed. On the frontend, combined HTML/CSS/JS with Leaflet for map functionality and Bootstrap for cohesive design.
Challenges we ran into:
Were not ultimately able to connect the back and front ends in the way we had initially envisioned. Also encountered issues with creating/validating new users and their login credentials.
Accomplishments that we're proud of:
Came in for our very first hackathon primarily equipped with Java knowledge, and very little of anything else- we were able to achieve basic functionality in countless tools and frameworks we had never used before HooHacks.
What we learned:
We learned that managing user data, with our current skillset, is ambitious and probably not realistic for a 24 hour hackathon. However, we learned that we are able to push our limits further than we ever imagined previously.
What's next for Wahoo Wanderings:
Debugging final issues which prevented us from integrating the separate components of our site.
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