
Built for "THE FUTURE OF AI IS OPEN " Snowflake Arctic hackathon


Introducing Vision, the cutting-edge marvel from Snowflake AI Research. Built for the future of AI and hosted in Streamlit, Vision is an interactive application tailored for the retail industry. With Vision, retailers can easily analyze product performance based on ratings, sales units, and review counts. It offers essential insights for inventory management, guiding businesses in restocking decisions and discontinuing underperforming products. Vision also excels in feedback analysis by evaluating product ratings and reviews, helping companies enhance customer satisfaction and identify areas for improvement. Furthermore, Vision identifies trends in customer preferences, keeping businesses ahead of market demands. Let Vision be your guide to smarter retail strategies and enhanced business growth.

Check the Video Demo

Source Code



Table of Contents


To install this project, clone the repository using the following link:


Then, run these commands:

git clone

cd Vision_snowflake_artic

pip install

configure Streamlit project using a config.toml

create a .streamlit directory in the root of your project :

Open the .streamlit/config.toml file in a text editor and add the necessary environment variables. For instance, to add the REPLICATE_API_TOKEN


store in streamlit follow doc-


To start the application run the command streamlit run This will start the application on http://localhost:8501/. Navigate to this URL in the web browser to access the app To deploy the application in streamlit follow doc -


  • Interactive Chat Interface: Users can interact with an AI model to ask questions and receive responses in a conversational format.
  • Data Upload and Analysis: Users can upload CSV or Excel files containing product data, which the application will analyze to provide insights.
  • Visualization: The application generates various visualizations such as summary statistics, correlation matrices, pair plots, and distribution plots.
  • PDF Report Generation: Users can download the analysis results and visualizations as a PDF report.




Vision has proven to be an invaluable tool for retail businesses, offering actionable insights and comprehensive analysis to drive informed decision-making. By leveraging the power of advanced AI, Vision enhances product performance evaluation, optimizes inventory management, improves customer satisfaction, identifies market trends, and supports strategic planning, ultimately leading to better business outcomes and competitive advantage

Vision: Retail Industry Interactive Application

1. Product Performance


Understanding which products are performing well based on customer feedback and sales data is crucial for maximizing profitability and customer satisfaction. However, the large volume of data can make it difficult to identify which products are truly successful and why.


  • Performance Metrics: Analyzing average ratings, review counts, and units sold provides a clear picture of product performance. By focusing on these metrics, businesses can quickly identify top-performing products.
  • Data Visualization: Using visual tools like bar charts and summary statistics helps to make complex data more accessible and easier to interpret. This allows businesses to quickly see which products are excelling and which are not.
  • Informed Decisions: With clear insights into product performance, businesses can make informed decisions about which products to promote, improve, or discontinue. This targeted approach helps in allocating resources effectively and enhancing overall product offerings.

2. Inventory Management


Efficiently managing inventory to ensure popular products are always in stock while avoiding overstocking less popular items is essential to meet customer demand and minimize costs associated with excess inventory.


  • Sales Data Analysis: By analyzing past sales data, businesses can forecast future demand more accurately and adjust their inventory levels accordingly. This ensures that high-demand products are always available, while low-demand items do not occupy valuable warehouse space.
  • Inventory Optimization: Identifying high-demand products ensures they are always in stock, reducing the risk of stockouts and lost sales. Conversely, recognizing low-demand items helps in minimizing overstock and associated costs.
  • Cost Efficiency: Effective inventory management reduces storage costs and minimizes waste from unsold products, improving overall profitability. It also ensures that capital is not tied up in excess inventory, allowing for more agile business operations.

3. Customer Satisfaction


Understanding customer satisfaction and identifying areas for product improvement is vital for maintaining a loyal customer base and enhancing product quality.


  • Feedback Analysis: High review counts and ratings provide direct feedback from customers. Analyzing this feedback helps businesses understand what customers like and dislike about their products.
  • Quality Improvements: Addressing issues highlighted in reviews can lead to product improvements. This proactive approach ensures that products meet customer expectations and standards.
  • Customer Loyalty: Satisfied customers are more likely to return, enhancing customer loyalty and retention. By continuously improving products based on customer feedback, businesses can build a strong, loyal customer base.

4. Sales Strategies


Developing targeted marketing campaigns and sales strategies to boost product visibility and sales is essential for business growth but requires detailed insights into product performance.


  • Targeted Marketing: Understanding which products perform well enables targeted marketing efforts. Businesses can focus their marketing resources on promoting high-performing products to maximize sales.
  • Promotion Planning: Sales trends data helps in planning promotions and discounts effectively. By knowing which products are popular, businesses can time their promotions to maximize impact.
  • Efficient Resource Allocation: Focusing marketing resources on high-performing products yields better returns on investment. This strategic allocation ensures that marketing efforts are cost-effective and impactful.

5. Trend Identification


Staying ahead of market trends and understanding shifting customer preferences is critical for maintaining competitiveness.


  • Market Insights: Analyzing sales data over time reveals emerging trends. By understanding these trends, businesses can adapt their product offerings to meet evolving customer demands.
  • Product Development: Insights into market trends guide the development of new products that align with customer preferences. This ensures that new product launches are successful and relevant.
  • Competitive Advantage: Staying ahead of trends keeps businesses competitive and relevant in the market. By anticipating changes in customer preferences, businesses can maintain their market position and attract new customers.

6. Potential Issues


Detecting anomalies or potential issues in product performance that may require attention can prevent larger problems down the line.


  • Anomaly Detection: Identifying outliers and unusual patterns in data helps detect potential problems early. This proactive approach allows businesses to address issues before they escalate.
  • Quality Control: Anomalies in product ratings or reviews can signal quality issues that need to be addressed. By maintaining high-quality standards, businesses can prevent negative customer experiences.
  • Risk Mitigation: Early detection of issues allows businesses to take corrective actions before they escalate, reducing risk and maintaining customer trust. This ensures long-term customer satisfaction and loyalty.



Built With

  • python
  • snowflakearctic
  • streamlit
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