
The inspiration for this program were daily planning apps that assist users with tracking their activities and developing healthy habits. We took inspiration from these apps and put an environmental spin on it to help promote sustainability.

What it does

This program asks the user to input their daily activities and provides information on how it may be harmful to the environment while presenting alternatives. For example, if the user says they drive to work everyday, the program will suggest that they carpool or use public transportation.

How we built it

We built this program using python.

Challenges we ran into

Our biggest challenge was deciding on how to present the program. Initially, we wanted to have a user interface with interactive buttons rather than having the user type letters.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

We're very proud of how we were able to come up with the initial idea based on similar apps we've seen. Additionally, other aspects of the creative process- such as picking the name- felt like milestones that we overcame when it came to the user's impression of Verdant.

What we learned

We learned how to work under pressure and with very little information to go off of. The prompt was very vague, and allowed us to brainstorm for original ideas.

What's next for Verdant

Some possible updates to Verdant can include a community engagement feature or a rewards system to inspire competitive sustainability.

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