
"Urban Eco Adventures" is an innovative and engaging visual novel game designed to inspire players to take positive environmental actions in their daily lives. Set against the backdrop of bustling Tokyo, players embark on a journey alongside the game's protagonist, Nami, a 27-year-old professional navigating the challenges of modern city life.


The inspiration behind "Urban Eco Adventures" stems from a deep-seated concern for our planet's future and a desire to empower individuals to make meaningful changes in their daily routines. In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to overlook the impact of our actions on the environment. With this in mind, our team sought to create a gaming experience that not only entertains but also educates players on the importance of sustainable practices.

Drawing from real-life scenarios and experiences, we crafted Nami's story to reflect the struggles and triumphs of individuals striving to lead more eco-conscious lives. Through her journey, players are encouraged to explore various aspects of sustainability, from proper waste management to the benefits of public transportation.

The vibrant streets of Tokyo serve as more than just a backdrop; they're a microcosm of the broader environmental challenges facing urban communities worldwide. By immersing players in Nami's world, we hope to foster empathy and understanding for the interconnectedness of our actions and the environment.

Ultimately, our goal with "Urban Eco Adventures" is to spark conversations and inspire positive change. Through interactive gameplay and compelling storytelling, we invite players to join us on a journey toward a more sustainable future—one where every action, no matter how small, makes a difference.

What it does

The gameplay is designed to educate and inspire players to adopt eco-friendly habits in their daily lives. Key gameplay features include:

  • Garbage Sorting Mini-Games: Players help Nami navigate the complexities of waste management by sorting garbage into different bins—wet, dry, e-waste, and sanitary. Through this hands-on activity, players learn the importance of proper waste disposal and recycling.

  • Public Transportation Challenges: As Nami explores the city, players are presented with opportunities to choose between different modes of transportation. By opting for eco-friendly options like the subway or cycling, players not only reduce their carbon footprint but also unlock rewards and progress in the game.

  • Interactive Storytelling: The heart of the game lies in its captivating storyline, which follows Nami's journey toward sustainability. Through dynamic dialogue and decision-making, players actively shape Nami's experiences and influence the outcome of the game.

  • Reward System: Players are incentivised to adopt sustainable practices through a reward system that offers virtual cards and other in-game perks. These rewards not only enhance the gaming experience but also serve as a tangible reminder of the positive impact of eco-friendly actions.

Overall, "Urban Eco Adventures" combines immersive gameplay with educational content to create a compelling gaming experience that empowers players to become agents of change in their communities.

How we built it

We began by conceptualising the game, refining the idea through brainstorming sessions and drawing inspiration from real-life sustainability challenges. Next, we developed Nami's character arc and storyline, integrating educational content seamlessly into the narrative. Our team then focused on game design, creating interactive mini-games for garbage sorting and transportation challenges while ensuring user-friendly interfaces and engaging visuals. Content creation followed, with a focus on writing dialogue, scripting interactive scenes, and developing visual assets such as character designs, backgrounds, and animations. Through testing and iteration, we refined gameplay mechanics and user experience based on feedback gathered from play-testing sessions.

Challenges we ran into

  1. AI-generated Images: All the visual novel images, cards, and characters are AI-generated using open-source models. With the current state of AI models, we had to spend a lot of time fine-tuning so that different models generate images that fit the theme of our game.

  2. Flutter Development: We are absolute beginners to Flutter. This was our first Flutter project, so we had to start from the basics. To tell the truth, we did not face much difficulty in getting started, as the Flutter echo system as a whole has a lot of quality documentation and support available all over the internet.

  3. Japanese Integration: None of us are fluent in Japanese beyond casual exposure such as watching anime. Despite our best efforts, we acknowledge the potential for inaccuracies and apologize for any unintended mistakes.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

We're incredibly proud of what we were able to achieve with our final product, especially considering the limited time frame of the hackathon. Perhaps even more rewarding than the end result was the opportunity to dive into Flutter, a fantastic frontend framework. This project served as our introduction to Flutter, and now we feel equipped to develop apps and games for any platform. It's a valuable addition to our skill set as software engineers and will undoubtedly benefit us in our professional journey.

What's next for Urban Eco-Adventures

Moving forward, the potential for "Urban Eco-Adventures" is vast. We envision incorporating a range of eco-friendly actions into playable content, expanding the game's educational scope and interactive experience. Here are some suggested activities for future integration:

  • Community Clean-up Events: Players can participate in virtual clean-up activities within the game, promoting environmental stewardship and community engagement.

  • Green Energy Initiatives: Introduce mini-games centered around implementing renewable energy solutions, such as solar panel installation or wind turbine management.

  • Sustainable Gardening: Players can cultivate virtual gardens, learning about composting, water conservation, and organic gardening practices.

  • Eco-Friendly Shopping: Create scenarios where players make environmentally conscious purchasing decisions, such as choosing reusable products over single-use alternatives.

  • Water Conservation Challenges: Develop gameplay elements focused on reducing water consumption, such as fixing leaks, installing water-saving devices, and practicing mindful water usage.

  • Wildlife Conservation Missions: Incorporate quests that raise awareness about endangered species and habitats, encouraging players to take action to protect biodiversity.

  • Food Waste Reduction: Implement tasks related to meal planning, portion control, and composting to combat food waste and promote sustainable eating habits.

  • Climate Change Mitigation: Introduce scenarios where players tackle climate change challenges, such as reducing carbon emissions, advocating for policy changes, and supporting renewable energy initiatives.

By continuously expanding and refining the content of "Urban Eco-Adventures," we aim to provide players with an immersive and impactful gaming experience that inspires positive environmental action in their real lives.

Built With

  • dart
  • flutter
  • google-wallet
  • stable-diffusion
  • vercel
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