
In the fast-growing world of online education, the credibility and qualification of tutors play a crucial role in ensuring quality learning experiences. However, being students, we felt that verifying the expertise of online tutors efficiently and scalably remains a challenge. Inspired by this need, we came up with an innovative solution: Tutoor AI

What it does:

Tutoor AI is a web-based application designed to authenticate and verify the skills of tutors in their respective fields. The app integrates Google's Speech-to-Text API and OpenAI's ChatGPT API to create a dynamic and interactive testing environment.

How we built it:

Technologies used: HTML, CSS, JS, JAVA

Challenges we ran into:

Integrating and combining the functionality of both APIs in the backend

Accomplishments that we're proud of:

Design of web app

What we learned:

It is always better to do proper planning and test our API tools in advance before committing to a project.

What's next for Tutoor Ai:

Constructing a proper and fully functional backend and providing more authentication and security features using reading the interviewee's facial expressions.

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