

The first on Chain ai platform on Lisk network

IntroductionGoalHow It WorksHow To UseContracts Addresses


Turquoise enables developers to build AI apps and agents like smart contracts — decentralized and on-chain.


The goal of Turquoise is to enable on-chain autonomous AI apps, especially agents. Specifically, we want to enable developers to create on-chain programs which are capable of:

  1. Interacting with LLMs and multimodal models, including those from closed-source API providers.
  2. Storing substantial data permanently and accessing relevant sections on-demand through embedding-based semantic search,
  3. Requesting information from external services like search engines,

How It Works

there are serveral important parts of Turquoise :

  • app contract: the app contracts communicate with the oracle contracts an example of that can be seen in chatgpt contract
  • oracle contract: the oracle contract is the communicate between the oracle backeend and the app contract , an example of that can be seen in ChatOracle contract
  • oracle backend: The oracle backend makes a call to ai APIs, off-chain, then calls the oracle contract in a new transaction, containing the api response.

for more information please check the docs

How To Use

  • First: To get started clone this repo
$ git https://github.com/malawadd/turquoise.git
  • Second: navigate to the contracts path follow the readme to deploy the contracts.

  • third: navigate to the oracle path follow the readme to start the oracle.

  • finally: once the oracle is up and running navigate to the cmd_apps path follow the readme to start a simple chat.

Contracts Addresses

Oracle contract : 0xAe467A4CfCe5310C50E2b2A1ad30768A02155fAC

ChatGpt contract : 0x16de95d9199Fceb3546565909eB52a4726B14311

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