
Traveling can be stressful, with uncertainty around every corner. But what if you could transform that uncertainty into confidence and peace of mind? That's the inspiration behind our app. It's designed to empower you, the traveler, with a sense of control and assurance, even in the midst of unpredictable circumstances.

What it does

An app offering real-time updates on flights, gate changes, and delays, providing peace of mind and control to travelers in unforeseen circumstances.

How we built it

To build our Android widget, we combined the Kotlin and Dart programming languages along with the framework Flutter, using the Android Studio IDE.

Challenges we ran into

While working on the project, we ran into several problems that tested our skills and teamwork. One of the major issues was integrating different technologies, which often resulted in unexpected errors and compatibility challenges.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

We're thrilled with what we've achieved. Despite tight deadlines and technical challenges, we successfully completed our project, mastering new tools and techniques along the way.

What we learned

For this project offered by TravelPerk we have studied a lot about Flutter and Android Studio.

What's next for TravelInfoWidget

The information of the widget will be more useful, such as display the boarding gate number, top 3 places for visit, etc.

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