
This application is based on travelperk challenge. We use a dataset provided by travelperk, as well as multiple technologies, APIs and library available on the internet. For the frontend, we use the React framework, due tue its ease of use and our familiarity with this technology.

What it does

Our application facilitates communication between individuals travelling internationally, enabling them to connect, make new friends and discover new travel experiences or alternatives. Additionally, it allows users to organise trips, including transport and event reservations in the destination city.

How we built it

For the construction of the application from the beginning, more sources of information were sought to complete the application than was available. Thus two distinct ‘branches’ can be identified. The first one focuses on extracting and managing the attached data. And a second one that focused on looking for different external APIs to offer more services within the application. For the backend Python combining it with Flask was some Pandas. For the database as we talk before Firebase was used and for frontend React.js. To test the petitions to the API Rest we used Postman and Git for the version control.

Challenges we ran into

We developed our skills about fullstack developing and manage data between data sources founding different problems while we were building the frontend for the application due to our inexperience.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

As a group we are proud of the idea developed and of the website despite the time constraint. We are happy with the result obtained by combining various data sources and shaping it into the resulting website.

What we learned

We learned new skills such as how to include maps in the frontend, how to manage non-relational databases and how to find reliable data sources that can be used for your application.

What's next for Travelers United

The next steps in this project should be to improve the user experience and to look for more resources that can improve the quality of the product. Another step would be to look for a more abundant source of data that could lead to more complete and interesting analyses of the data, as these were somewhat scarce. The time constraint resulted in a rapid development where we prioritised our efforts in building an idea which limited the development of the product.

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