Contract address - Lisk L2 Testnet: 0xD16836357769cC1Fc3427c1acc233E6974800896


We were inspired by the need to support NGOs and small producers in the carbon credit sector. By using tokenized assets as collateral, we can help these organizations gain access to loans and funding more easily.

What it does

Our project uses smart contracts to allow individuals to use tokenized securities as collateral for loans. NGOs or small producers can receive loans, and investors can earn rewards by purchasing NFTs linked to these securities.

How we built it

We developed a series of smart contracts: GBContract for loan management, GBERC721 for NFT issuance, and GBMarketplace for listing and trading NFTs. These contracts work together to manage collateral, loan payments, and NFT transactions.

Challenges we ran into

We faced challenges in integrating the different smart contracts and ensuring secure transactions. Implementing robust KYC procedures for address approval and maintaining loan balance control were also complex tasks.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

We are proud of creating a seamless platform that simplifies access to loans for NGOs and small producers.

What we learned

We learned the importance of thorough testing and security measures in smart contract development.

What's next for Tokenized asset as collateral

we plan to enhance user experience and deploy in the mainnet

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