
While learning java in college, particularly in CSE373, we had to complete a bunch of TODOs. It was always found hard to track which TODOs were left and where those TODOs were, so we created ToDoListPro, an extension which solves this problem.

What it does

It compiles all the TODOs in a sidebar, which makes it easy to navigate to those TODOs. The TODOs refresh automatically whenever a file is saved, making it easy to track TODOs as you are coding.

How we built it

We used typescript to build this extension, by using the extension template provided by VS Code for beginner developers.

Challenges we ran into

We found it difficult to set up our environments, particularly to run our first hello world command. After that, as we started developing the extension, we came across various errors which were hard to debug as we were both using typescript for the first time.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

We are proud we completed and published a VS Code extension!

What we learned

We learned how to code in typescript, and how to make and publish a working extension in typescript.

What's next for ToDoListPro

Adding a feature where we can check off TODOs from the TODO list, and the TODO comments disappear from the code. Another idea is to sort the TODOs in some way. We would definitely want to add other languages like python.

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