Inspiration ๐ŸŒŸ

TimeLickr was born out of my own struggles with easily getting distracted by social media, especially as an online student.

What it does ๐Ÿš€

TimeLickr is a Chrome extension designed to easily plan your day and be more productive by enabling users to schedule tasks and block distracting websites . By integrating task management and website blocking functionalities, TimeLickr empowers users to take control of their online habits and make the most out of their time.

How I built it ๐Ÿ’ป

I built TimeLickr using React. React provided the perfect framework for developing a dynamic and responsive Chrome extension that meets the needs of modern users.

Challenges I ran into๐Ÿ›

Building TimeLickr had a fair share (I mean TON) of bugs but, I remained determined and persevered through which has led to a lot of new knowledge and skills gained.

Accomplishments that I'm proud of ๐ŸŽ‰

I'm proud of successfully creating TimeLickrโ€”a Chrome extension that I personally wanted. It was also a very fulfilling experience to develop something I wanted from scratch by myself and make it actually work.

What I learned ๐Ÿ“š

Through the process of building TimeLickr, I gained a lot of valuable knowledge, particularly regarding Chrome extension development. As someone who had never coded a chrome extension before, I now feel confident in my ability to navigate and code one again in the future!

What's next for TimeLickr ๐Ÿ”ฎ

There are a lot of more functionality that TimeLickr could have. I would love to add better and more flexible scheduling options, the ability to create schedule templates for efficiency, implementing "strict" blocks to prevent editing, and allowing users to customize the block page to suit their preferences.

One that I was going to add was integrating sync with Google calendar api, but I couldn't implement it in time, but I will definitely do so since, as someone who uses google calendar for everything, it is a need!

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