
I spent over a decade in the Web Hosting world from all aspects from System Administration to Search Engine Optimization.

After ranking hundreds of technical articles in top 5 results of Google, I ran learning even more about how the web1/2 world algorithms are easily manipulated.

What it does

Provide users new to web3 with trusted information, direct support, recommendations, and more from trusted human advisors.

Allow subject matter experts a source of reward via HTTP/1.1 402 Payment Required, Reserved for future usage.

Token-gate advanced topics or video content, while promoting free help to help Save users with questions.

How we built it

Using audited Open Zeppelin EC20 templates I built a one-size fits-all Solidity contract to mint TNT20 tokens.

This was used to not only launch TSave, but to also use the tools as their being built to help educate the Theta community & web3 in general on best practices as well as features of smart contracts.

Also using Theta's available GitHub source code to start breaking it down into smaller example tools to show off the tech more easily for newbies.

Challenges we ran into

Learning Solidity, then best practices in web3 development. Also lack of updated or correct documentation made most reverse engineering attempts or examples a more complex task than needed.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

Essentially made a that was easy ala Staples button for minting new TNT20 projects. While also building content & tools to help educate a wide web audience of how web3 can help Save their ideas to the blockchain.

Also, allowing contributors within the Theta community to be rewarded for providing helpful info & services. While also building up their authority & followings.

What we learned

There is a lot of information, also lack of step-by-step processes to make web3 easier to use for the masses. It's a hard job to try to fix that, but it's very rewarding to tackle issues that really help Save people time & frustration learning something new.

What's next for Theta Save

With a limited supply of 420 we are still figuring out the overall usage.

The smart contract allows for the ability to change the decimals, mint more, or burn supply. Along with a one-time ability of the admin to self-destruct each of these functions while broadcasting proof of that to the blockchain.

More than likely we will have an initial council of 10% or The Chosen 42.

To help figure out what's the right questions to answer how can we Save the most people

Then over time TSave is given/earned to trusted Theta community members to uphold the greatest level of honesty & transparency on when something is recommended, who & why is apparent.

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