conventional methods like RF and Bluetooth. The idea of using thermal cameras for communication struck me as a novel approach that could open up new possibilities.

Inspiration: My inspiration came from the desire to push the boundaries of drone technology. Observing different communication methods in action and envisioning drones interacting in complex environments was incredibly inspiring.

What I Learned: The project taught me that developing a new communication protocol is a demanding yet rewarding task. Starting with small, manageable components—like building the encoding and decoding mechanisms—was crucial. I also learned that while simulation tools like Raspberry Pi are helpful, focusing on the core communication strategy is essential before expanding to hardware implementation.

Challenges Faced: One of the main challenges was the intricacy of creating a reliable communication protocol using temperature variations as binary signals. The theoretical groundwork was challenging, and I anticipate even greater challenges during real-world testing. Implementing this system in a field with multiple drones and ensuring stable communication through thermal cameras will be the next significant hurdle.

This experience has been a robust learning journey, highlighting the complexities and exhilarating potential of drone communication technology.

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