
We wanted to make a convenient platform for both students and teachers that includes speech capabilities.

What it does

It utilizes AI and speech to text to make it easy for students to access the resources they need, while making it easier for teachers to distribute their resources to students.

How we built it

We built it using many javascript frameworks, including React, Express, Node and stored the data using MySQL. We utilized Google Gemini.

Challenges we ran into

Finding ways to make the files show up properly on the website.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

Finding a reliable, free Web Speech API resource.

What we learned

We learned a lot about how to connect APIs to our web-apps and how to change which ports our pages would use.

What's next for The miracle project

Instead of hosting the database on our respective laptops, we would want a proper server. We also did not have time to properly upload videos.

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