🌟 Inspiration

The genesis of "Study Squad" emerged from a shared frustration among our team members with the time-consuming nature of digesting educational content on YouTube. We were inspired to develop a solution that streamlines the learning process by providing quick and concise summaries of videos. Our aim is to empower learners to efficiently extract key insights without investing excessive time. This drive to enhance productivity and learning efficiency fuels our passion for "Study Squad."

🚀 What It Does

"Study Squad" is a web app that transforms lengthy YouTube videos into quick, clear summaries. Users can input a YouTube link, and the app generates a brief summary, capturing the essential points of the video. This allows users to save time and still benefit from the vast amount of knowledge available on YouTube without having to watch the entire video.

💡 How We Built It

We developed "Study Squad" using Flask for the backend and MongoDB for database management. The frontend was crafted with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap to ensure a responsive and user-friendly interface. We integrated YouTube's API to fetch video data and utilized LLM of Gemini 1.5 flash to generate concise and accurate summaries of the videos.

🚧 Challenges We Ran Into

Integrating Gemini 1.5 with Flash posed technical hurdles, demanding meticulous debugging and optimization. Aligning HTML, JavaScript, and CSS elements with Flash components required careful coordination. Balancing these technologies for optimal performance and usability was a constant challenge. Despite obstacles, our team's persistence led to "Study Squad's" successful development.

🎉 Achievements We're Proud Of

Our team celebrates seamlessly merging Gemini 1.5 with Flash and designing an intuitive interface using HTML, JavaScript, and CSS for "Study Squad." Overcoming technical obstacles and receiving positive user feedback validate our mission to streamline YouTube-based learning.

📘 What We Learned

"Study Squad" provided hands-on experience in integrating diverse technologies like Flash, Gemini 1.5, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and Python. We honed our skills in seamless integration, optimization, and troubleshooting, prioritizing user-centric design. This project was instrumental in deepening our understanding of web development and technology integration.

Future Of Study Squad

We are gonna improve the design and efficiency of the notes generated from the LLM. More features and improvement in the user engagement is particularly our main focus currently. Overall we are gonna improve our infrastructure and design.

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