
So here’s the thing. Organisations that are evolving around decentralised ecosystems need a way to effectively distribute value in their networks.

Most of the organizations today are limited to one time rewards that often don’t provide long term value to the ecosystem, nor incentivize the contributors in the right way.

Tools and systems they use when trying to achieve this goal are more often than not inefficient and/or ineffective.

In this context, organizations can be anything from DAOs and foundations to project teams and investors. And value be anything from grants and investments to yield rewards and salaries.

What it does

A platform for organizations to distribute value in decentralized, permissionless and trust-minimized, efficient, effective and straightforward way.

StreamFlow is a platform made of composable and mutually compatible tools.

This way we have Multi signature treasury, bulk token distributor, token vesting service, capital-efficient token streaming as standalone tools. But the real power comes by combining them. And with the power of defi, deposited liquidity can be put to earn interest via lending protocol or yield farming.

How we built it

Built a layered architecture visually represented here:

  • timelock-crate— a crate that can be used with other Rust programs. link
  • timelock — a Simple Anchor program that integrates aforementioned crate. link
  • timelock — a NPM package to be integrated with other client applications link
  • streamflow-app — React/TypeScript web application that hosts our user interface link

Challenges we ran into

We struggled with the developer's resources as those are all over the place, figuring out the basics (e.g. that each account used during the execution must be declared in advance), different types of accounts, cross-program invocation, serialization/deserialization, ambiguous Anchor error messages.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

Interviewed various projects and investors to gather feedback and find a product market fit. Got the grants from Solana Foundation and Project Serum to build open-source token vesting service.

What we learned

Unordered conclusions: Programming on Solana is hard. Documentation is scarce and scattered, without single source of truth. For the hackathon, presentation is more important than the code. We have a competitor. We can build full products in short period of time. Can't buidl web2 tools any longer.

What's next for StreamFlow Finance

Some of the things in the short term:

Getting token vesting ready for the mainnet and the official audit. Building token distributor tool. Fundraising to scale the team and get more done faster. Onboarding Solana projects to our platform.

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