
One day I looked out my window, and I saw the same intersection I've been looking at for years, but in a new light. The rising number of vehicle accidents on highways throughout the area, with their road closures and news reports, has shocked me. So, as I looked at the intersection I wondered if it was inevitable that without a proper system, things could result in disaster. From that moment, I set off on coding "Stop Crashes. Save Lives." for a better, and safer, future for all of us.

What it does

“Stop Crashes. Save Lives.” is a software and hardware program coded in C++ consisting of infrared sensors to prevent vehicle accidents at the many unsafe traffic intersections splayed across our towns. The program is able to analyze the distance, velocity, vectors, and many other parameters, of two separate cars, then, provide an output of the safety and whether the cars have a risk of colliding or not.

How I built it

I used a combination of C++ and inputs from 6 infrared sensors to create “Stop Crashes. Save Lives.”. Through this, I coded multiple functions, along with applying formulas and trigonometric ratios, to manipulate and analyze the data provided from the sensors to achieve various outputs in the code.

Challenges I ran into

Due to the fact that I used infrared sensors, I struggled in finding an environment where the sensors could be unimpeded, and function without being thrown off by infrared light bouncing off bright surfaces. Additionally, I struggled with integrating the multiple functions and hardware, as well as finding a way to factor in velocity with my comparisons. In the end, I was able to creatively solve these problems by being innovative and using unique ideas, functions, and techniques.

Accomplishments that I'm proud of

Honestly, I’m proud of the entire project, from the sensors and hardware, to functions on the screen, because it has been a very paramount one in my computer science and educational journey. Specifically, I’m most appreciative of the part of my software that calculates the vectors, with the magnitude, of each car. Though it was challenging, it was the most rewarding part as I had to be extremely innovative and creative to design that formula and function.

What I learned

Through the process of creating “Stop Crashes. Save Lives.”, I have learned many valuable skills along the way. Firstly, I learned how to integrate online interfaces with hardware and real sensors. Additionally, I learned the importance of converting from radians to degrees to doubles to integers, and that is something that will help me greatly in the future. Overall, this journey of creating this software has been a prominent one for me, by being highly educational and teaching me more about the comprehensive importance of social good in our lives.

What's next for Stop Crashes. Save Lives.

I want to build on “Stop Crashes. Save Lives.” in a way that the software and hardware can take more action, and make a larger impact in preventing traffic accidents when it senses an active car crash at hand. In the future, I hope that “Stop Crashes. Save Lives.” can be a paramount addition to the safety and transportation industry, rescuing communities, and paving a better future for all of us.

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