
Animation vs Math by Alan Becker on YouTube

What it does

Stick guy with 2 finished classes, fighter and mage. The fighter has 3 attacks each assigned to each mouse button- left click, middle click, right click. The mage has 4 spells, 2 of which is finished, that being- Fireball (LLL) and Missile (LLR/LRL/RLL). The mage spell casting system uses 3 clicks for input, the order of which does not matter. Each combination of R's and L's create a spell. The mage has a finished special feature of flight, which is related to their blue stamina bar (located top left)

How we built it

Using Java and IntelliJ, using Piskel for hand drawn animations

Challenges we ran into

I was too ambition and greedy so I spent 12 hours on Saturday trying to write pre-optimized code, so I delete all that code in 12 minutes this morning at 5:30 a.m. and redid the features.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

Redoing the code

What we learned

Aiming for 200% is fine as long as you can achieve 100%.

What's next for StickGuy

Finishing the special feature of the fighter- rolling and using their shield (both uses stamina), adding title screen and menus, adding more sprites -animation for moving left -changing the spells of the mage to not be just circles -more detailed walking/flying then maybe adding 2 more classes- rogue and cleric which both has their unique attacks and features.

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