About the Project


The devastation caused by hurricanes each year inspired us to create a solution that provides real-time updates and alerts to help individuals and communities prepare and respond effectively. We wanted to leverage technology to deliver timely and accurate information, making it easier for people to stay informed and safe during hurricane seasons.

What it Does

The Hurricane Monitoring Application provides real-time, state-specific updates and alerts on hurricane conditions across the United States. Users can enter their state to receive the latest information and alerts, empowering them to take necessary precautions. The app also offers general country-wide updates, ensuring comprehensive coverage of hurricane activities.

How We Built It

We built the Hurricane Monitoring Application using:

  • Streamlit: For the user-friendly web interface.
  • Python: As the core programming language.
  • BeautifulSoup: For parsing XML data from the National Hurricane Center.
  • FuzzyWuzzy: For matching user input with state names or abbreviations.
  • Requests: For fetching data from the National Hurricane Center's XML feed.

Challenges We Ran Into

One of the main challenges was accurately matching user input with state names and abbreviations, which we overcame using the FuzzyWuzzy library. Additionally, ensuring real-time data parsing and handling edge cases in data formatting required careful attention to detail.

Accomplishments That We're Proud Of

We're proud of creating a functional, real-time application that provides valuable information to users in hurricane-prone areas. The sleek interface, real-time alerts, and accurate data parsing are key accomplishments that enhance the application's usability and effectiveness.

What We Learned

Throughout this project, we learned how to effectively use various Python libraries to build a real-time data-driven application. We gained experience in web scraping, data parsing, and creating user-friendly interfaces with Streamlit. Additionally, we improved our problem-solving skills by addressing challenges related to data accuracy and user input matching.

What's Next for Stay Ahead of the Storm with Real-Time Hurricane Alerts

In the future, we plan to enhance the application by adding features such as:

  • Push Notifications: To provide real-time alerts directly to users' devices.
  • Historical Data Analysis: To help users understand hurricane patterns and trends over time.
  • Multi-Language Support: To make the app accessible to a wider audience.
  • Integration with Social Media: To share updates and alerts on popular social media platforms.
  • Mobile App Version: To increase accessibility and convenience for users on the go.

By continuously improving the Hurricane Monitoring Application, we aim to provide an even more valuable tool for staying safe and informed during hurricane seasons.

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