
Empowering underprivileged entrepreneurs to harness the power of AI Assistants in their businesses is our mission. Recognizing the hurdles posed by technical constraints and limited resources, we've taken strides to alleviate these challenges. Our innovative approach to AI integration streamlines the process, ensuring it's as simple as filling out a Google form. Whether it's implementing chatbots for analysis, email management, or facilitating customer orders, we're here to make advanced technology accessible and practical for every entrepreneur.

We prioritize privacy and customization. Entrepreneurs can create multiple unique chatbots through submitting multiple Google Forms, each designed for specific roles. This segregation ensures privacy. Our solution offers three dedicated chatbots: for business owners, employees, and customers, streamlining communication. With up to 11 customizable functions per bot, entrepreneurs can tailor AI solutions to fit their needs precisely. This adaptability optimizes effectiveness across operations.

What it does

Introducing Square seller AI Assistants: Empowering Your Business with a Tap by creating a custom deployed dedicated chatbots

Our suite of six dynamic assistants designed to empower entrepreneurs. Working seamlessly with a team of 28 dedicated agents and 17 specialized tools, they tackle every aspect of your business journey, from inception to execution.

Meet the Assistants:

Our suite of assistants comprises six specialized entities:

I. Inventory Manager: Seamlessly handles inventory management, from tracking recent sales to tackling complex inquiries such as evaluating large-scale orders like a 300-item catering request for coffee today.

II. Report Analyst: He helps you perform extremely deep analysis on the internet and provides you with the report. He can even check other competitors emails, Instagram engagement, their other social presence, their revenue, their reviews, and their menus and give you an extremely detailed analysis of how they are performing and how you can improve to beat them. As he will be searching the internet, he generally takes around 30 Google searches and will give you a report, so this might take some time.

III. Web Surfer: A vital component of the Report Analyst, adept at facilitating access to the internet for advanced linguistic models like ChatGPT and Gemini, ensuring unbiased and accurate responses.

IV. Email Agent: An efficient email manager capable of handling multiple correspondences effortlessly using natural language commands. From disseminating holiday notifications to coordinating work schedules, this assistant streamlines communication tasks with finesse. He can take even complex queries like'send email to all employers, Tillu and, that today they will be working on Store A', the manager will get all emails of employers and search email of Tillu in data and will send them the mails.

V. Catalog Manager: Leveraging both inventory data and internet resources, this assistant offers comprehensive catalog reports, suggesting additional products to enhance inventory offerings.

VI. AGI (Artificial General Intelligence): Currently in development, this all-encompassing assistant is poised to revolutionize entrepreneurial support. Capable of executing a multitude of tasks autonomously, AGI integrates sophisticated agents and tools such as prompt improvisers, schedulers, Python code generators, inventory assistants, email managers, and reminder agents, enabling seamless task execution and information dissemination in response to user commands. Eg: And if the user says, 'Check inventory, what are my total sales today and mail me by 5 p.m. The assistant and his agents can check inventory, get information, schedule a task, and, when time arrives, send a message with the information requested.

Together, our suite of assistants and supporting agents empower entrepreneurs with the tools and insights needed to thrive in today's dynamic business landscape.

How we built it

Our product is designed for small to medium businesses, utilizes a vast number of custom-built Python agents combined to form multiple assistants tailored to emulate an entrepreneurial assistant. Powered by a blend of large language models (LLAMA 3 8B, Mixtral 8x7B, and Gemini 1.0 Pro) for efficiency and GPT3.5 for precision, perform a task. Streamlit for UI.

Under the surface,** a team of 28 agents** operates seamlessly to support these assistants. These include Python agents, prompt agents, communicators, report generators, internet browsers, quality control monitors, memory processors, prompt improvisers, schedulers  and more. Our approach draws from the ReAct research paper link for agile and effective task execution.

Challenges we ran into

Building all the necessary agents posed a significant challenge, exacerbated by the complexity of facilitating communication between them. Additionally, integrating and optimizing tools for these agents proved time-consuming, like Task Scheduler, Python code executor, Report Generator, etc.

Our core aim is to offer small business owners a straightforward solution without relying on complex methodologies.

We acknowledge the inverse relationship between user-end simplicity and developer-end complexity.

By employing advanced techniques such as complex regex, data retrieval, and intelligent agent collaboration, we have achieved seamless functionality.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

Home-grown agents without any frameworks: Our development team has achieved a remarkable feat by creating home-grown AI agents without relying on external frameworks. This demonstrates our commitment to innovation and our confidence in our team's expertise. By building agents from scratch, we have full control over their functionality and can tailor them specifically to meet the needs of our users.

Robust Inventory Manager: We take pride in the creation of our robust inventory manager, which serves as a cornerstone of our platform. This agent is designed to efficiently manage inventory for businesses. Its reliability and effectiveness empower entrepreneurs to streamline their operations and make data-driven decisions with confidence.

One-stop report generation feature: Our platform offers a seamless solution for generating detailed PDF reports tailored for industry analysis. With just a few clicks, users can access a comprehensive array of data insights, trends, and performance metrics, compiled into professionally formatted reports. From market trends to competitor analysis, our report generation feature simplifies the process of gathering critical information, empowering users to make informed strategic decisions with ease. This streamlined approach saves valuable time and resources, allowing businesses to focus on driving growth and staying ahead of the competition.

Most Proud of: We have successfully integrated our platform with Square, expanding its functionality and usability. We enhance the versatility and value of our platform, catering to diverse business needs and preferences.

What we learned

How to make custom agents and tailored tools that work together in order to ease the business owner. And we learned how to use the fantastic framework of Square and their initiatives to help small community sellers. And I'm very happy to be a part of this, and to be part of that help.

What's next for Square Upwards

In the future, we are planning to further enhance the capabilities of "Squared Upwards!" with tailored bots without specific use cases. These specialized agents will cater to a vast range of business needs, such as a sales bot for the sales team, a staff bot for staff management activities or to address staff-related questions, a customer service bot for customers, and an ordering bot. This ensures optimization for each aspect of the business. Sellers only need to fill out a Google form specifying their needs and the category they require, and they will automatically receive an email from the bot that serves a particular purpose. We aim to remove all the hassle from the seller. Additionally, with AGI, we plan to introduce workflow automation powered by AI and we are improving it rapidly, enabling sellers to streamline their operations effortlessly. With customizable workflows and simplified management, Up! empowers entrepreneurs to focus on growth and success while AI handles the rest.

API Integration API Integration

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Step into the future of business with Square Upwards!

The Square Upwards, the groundbreaking app that's revolutionizing the way Square sellers operate. Its mission is to streamline business processes and enhance customer experiences by harnessing the power of AI.

This innovative solution is more than just an app – it's a game-changer for square sellers everywhere. With its low-code design, Square Upwards offers an unmatched level of simplicity and efficiency for sellers.

But wait, there's more! While the demo video showcases just 20% of its capabilities because of the video length restriction for the hackathon, the full potential of Square Upwards awaits exploration. Dive into the comprehensive documentation page for an in-depth understanding of each feature.

Hours of dedication have gone into creating a tool that not only simplifies the lives of sellers but also empowers local and underprivileged entrepreneurs. With Square Upwards, embracing AI has never been more accessible – no tech setup worries, just pure innovation!

Join the movement and be part of the future of Square selling with Square Upwards!

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